BANCANG / Ben Zhe Architecture
Modest and open-minded - BANCANG
BANCANG / Ben Zhe Architecture
Project Year
Site Area
1260 m²
Text description provided by the architects


BANCANG is located in EKA-Tianwu Park in Jinqiao District, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. The site is originally the warehouse of CSSC Marine Instrument Co., Ltd. in Shanghai - Warehouse 445 in the 60s. The overall planning and renovation design of the area were conducted as commissioned by the owner. As a pioneer renovation project in the park, it should not only have commercial reception and exhibition functions, but also reflect the prospect of the park in the future. We respect the historical development and put the current sustainable development concept into it, integrating the old and the new parts to arouse the old buildings.

▼被树林包裹的半仓全景 Panorama of BANCANG surrounded by trees

▼东侧正立面East side elevation

▼屋面景观露台 A landscape terrace

▼项目在园区规划中的位置 The location of the project

▼更新后的半仓 After reconstruction


BANCANG retains the original form of the building and simplifies the appearance. The original south-facing wall is removed and replaced by a glass metal grille, allowing the interior space to be free and open. The east-facing side is the main facade and it faces the open landscape pool. A sixteen-metre long dormer window was cantilevered and angled out of the left main elevation of the second floor, which breaks the balance of the building. The original windows on the ground floor are replaced by four block grille doors, which can be opened to both sides, and blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor. The right side of the main facade is covered with a large piece of carbonized wood, with hidden doors and windows, showing a variety of forms and facilitating the owner's subsequent functional composite and use.

▼建筑与人的关系 The relationship between architecture and human

▼傍晚时东侧面 The east side at dusk

▼半仓的后院The backyard of BANCANG

▼带阶梯的长飘窗 Long bay window with stairs


The roof of the middle section is partially opened to present the roof terrace naturally, providing light and landscape for the moving grey space in the internal corridor. We are committed to practicing the relationship between architecture, human and nature, which is also our original intention of renovating the old building.

▼南侧立面South side elevation

▼东侧立面East side elevation


Washed stones composed of shells and beach stones, and black carbonized wood, forming the main texture of the exterior, which not only retains the historical features of Shanghai-style cities, but also reflects the serenity of BANCANG and the essence of oriental minimalist aesthetics.

▼外立面材质肌理Facade material texture


Roof rainwater harvesting system and resource-saving are also a part of natural and environmentally friendly eco-system of BANCANG


The floors of the old building are very closed to each other inside, so during the process of updating and renovating BANCANG, the original wall texture of sand and cement is preserved and we also blend the old with the new. Parts of the floor are removed to connect up and down space freely. The staggered floor design creates different perspective and rich scale space, allowing people to look out, read, think, and whisper ......

▼东立面主入口处 The main entrance to east elevation

▼一层可开启的格栅,模糊了室内外边界 On the first floor, openable grilles that blur the boundaries between indoors and outdoors


Stairs built in different directions help to circulate the air.




The ground floor of the renovated BANCANG is set up with a cafe, VIP reception space and a sunken business activity area. The open design is movement-oriented, emphasizing communication and dialogue. The second floor is arranged with a small library, a sand table display area, a meditation area, with a semi-enclosed design, which focuses on static and emphasizes reading and meditation. The combination of motion and static on the first and second floor creates various experience space.

▼一层休闲大厅 Lounge on the first floor

▼一层咖啡区Coffee area on the first floor

▼冥想区(外)Meditation area(outdoor)

▼冥想区(内)Meditation area(indoor)

▼美术馆入口处、沙盘区Entrance to the art museum、Sand table area

▼室内阶梯长飘窗望外远眺Views from the long bay window

▼阅读区 Reading area

▼带楼梯的观景台Observation deck with stairs

▼错落有致的楼层well-proportioned floors


The original gypsum board ceiling on the third floor is demolished, the exposed wooden beam structure is retained, and the newly made metal components and black metal wrapped BOX tea space are placed in the atrium on the third floor, where the industrial style tea bar and retro open office area are distributed. The new and the old collide and intertwine fiercely here, presenting a post-modern deconstructionist style.

▼新开启的天窗给室内空间引入更多光线Newly opened skylights bring more light into the interior space

▼三层BOX茶空间 BOX Tea Space on the third floor

▼「泊」给空间带来更多禅意Bring more zen to the space

▼绿色画幅映入眼帘The green frame comes into view


A small space of cultural property is retained in a limited space by rearranging it. Without too much rendering. It is presented in the form of a small art gallery to show the respect to the old building. Awakening and utilization is also a way of renovation design.

▼美术馆入口Entrance to the art gallery

▼美术馆art gallery

▼挑高美术馆High-ceilinged art gallery

▼美术馆办公区Office area of the art gallery


Convergent, static, Be open-minded as a valley - BANCANG.

▼绿茵中的半仓局部Part of BANCANG in the green

▼一层平面图One-level floor plan

▼二层平面图Two-level floor plan

▼三层平面图.Three-level floor plan.

▼南立面图 South facade

▼东立面图 East facade

▼西立面图 West facade





设计团队:姚瑞艮 林桐 赵桂军









摄影:苏圣亮 朱润资

Project Name: BANCANG

Project Location: 535 Jinqiao Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China (EKA-Tianwu)

Architecture/Interior/Landscape Design: Benzhe Design

Principle Architect: Jiang Huajian

Design Team: Yao Ruigen, Lin Tong, Zhao Guijun

Floor space: 1260m²

Occupied area: 445m²

Design Period: March 2021 - November 2021

Completion: January 2023

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Client: Shanghai Jiayun Investment Management Development Co.,Ltd

Structural Design: Shanghai Tongyan Civil Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd

Photography: Su Shengliang zhu_runzi

Appreciations towards Ben Zhe Architecture for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2024/06/16
Editor:Lucas Lee
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