Showroom - Sequance of motion / Superform
A showroom that showcases the motion of different products with a sequence of curved walls.
Showroom - Sequance of motion / Superform
Project Year
Site Area
465 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The company Tajfun wishes to build a showroom for products, which will serve as a presentation area for the company and create a new centre for social gatherings.

Concept design
The new building will spread over the entire length of the planned plot in a monolithic linear move and occupy the road area by the fire brigade and multi-apartment building. The building will be comprised of a uniform grid of transverse lamellas and will have a clean exterior, geometrically retained form of uniformly repetitive verticals – lamellas. In the interior, we will build a two-level exhibition area. As the latter will be adapted to the content, it will create a dynamic movement of the lamellas. The lamellas thus recreate the sequence of the movement of the elevator. The elevator movement sequences become the main tool for creating the interior space.

Appreciations towards Superform for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/09/11
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