Clinique vétérinaire des Cheminots / Agence Spatiale inc
Clinique vétérinaire des Cheminots
Clinique vétérinaire des Cheminots / Agence Spatiale inc
Project Year
Site Area
465 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The Cheminots Veterinary Clinic proposes the transformation of a private residence into a commercial space. The domestic atmosphere was preserved to reflect the company's consideration for the human aspect. The clients wanted to move away from the cold and deliberately aseptic atmosphere found in the medical field, going against the expected codes to offer a resolutely welcoming and reassuring place for its visitors.

To create this warm atmosphere, wood finishes are used for the waiting furniture, the reception counter and the product displays. Research was done to dress the walls with large photos of animals. The photo direction chosen was black and white portraits, the idea being to put the animals at the center of the preoccupations and to reassure their owners on the good care they will receive.

The design of the furniture and facilities has been carefully thought out to minimize contact between the animals and promote peace and quiet (one waiting room for cats, another for dogs). The circulation areas and aisles are integrated in a coherent way to propose differentiated paths that take into account the interventions and needs of each space, whether they are accessible to customers or reserved for employees.

The building being of residential origin, the available space and its limitations had to be exploited in order to accommodate all the essential resources for the exploitation of the premises. The intervention of specialists in the field of animal care made it possible to create facilities that meet the standards and requirements required within the building for the intended use. Acoustic insulation was improved to reduce stressors and contribute to the intimacy of the spaces. Ease of maintenance, a major element to consider in relation to the importance of healthiness in medical facilities, was considered in the choice of materials used and their durability. An adapted access was planned in order to offer universal accessibility, as much for the customers as for the animals.

Appreciations towards Agence Spatiale inc for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/28
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