Sushi X / Agence Spatiale inc
Sushi X
Sushi X / Agence Spatiale inc
Project Year
Site Area
465 m²
Text description provided by the architects


The Sushi X restaurant comes to life in the Pyramide Ste-Foy and offers a menu of Japanese-inspired dishes. Conceived as a festive restaurant where it is good to prolong one's meals with friends, the project is meant to be an attractive place day and night.

The terrace, covered with giant murals, acts as a signal from the parking lot. At the entrance, two distinct counters direct the customers: one for "take-out" food, and the other inviting people to enter the dining room. Designed to create surprise, the customer pathway produces an effect of discovery by revealing an immersive atmosphere with spectacular allure.

The bar, inspired by the Isakaya breweries, becomes the central piece around which the layout is organized. A series of architectural elements inspired by the Japanese culinary world become signature pieces: the wall coverings and the wood strip spillover recall the texture of the sushi rolling mats, and the corrugated metal conopy evokes the famous Japanese knives. At the back, the backlit wall produces a soft, subdued light, imitating the effect of rice paper. On the ceiling, the abundance of paper lanterns and falling vegetation bring warmth and friendliness to the spaces.

To make people want to try all the places, a mix of seating is proposed: banquette area for groups, intimate tables, or at the bar, right in the action. The kitchen is open to the dining room and is reflected in the mirrors on the wall facing it, so that everyone can enjoy it.

Whether it's a friendly lunchtime meal or an everlasting happy hour, Sushi X celebrates festivities and hospitality.

Appreciations towards Agence Spatiale inc for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/13
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