PULS Vario Offices – Vienna / Evolution Design
PULS Vario Offices – Vienna
PULS Vario Offices – Vienna / Evolution Design
Project Year
Site Area
1000 m²
Text description provided by the architects

In March 2018, the Swiss architecture and design studio Evolution Design created a 1000sq metre office for PULS Vario, the Vienna-based, R&D subsidiary of German engineering firm PULS. The office space is specifically designed to enable this high-tech team to focus on innovation.

Working together – The office concept is based on the Vierkanthof, a traditional Austrian farmhouse structure arranged around a square courtyard where various experts work closely together to achieve common goals. Evolution Design translated this concept into a workplace with four main zones – RETREAT, DIALOGUE, CREATE and SHARE – each tailored to support different tasks and different stages of the innovation process.

Mirroring the innovation process – The RETREAT area modelled on an Austrian mountain hut is the first zone. Designed to foster reflection and enable time for individual research and deep thinking, it offers various work modes, from secluded library chairs to private booths.

The second phase, DIALOGUE, is a creative workshop space with long shared tables, whiteboard areas and an informal amphitheatre, where first ideas are developed further through informal discussions and collaboration.

A high-tech laboratory acts as the CREATE area, the third phase of the process, where engineers can prototype, test and develop new products.

The final stage, SHARING, is a phase for sharing the results of prototyping and testing and inspiring colleagues with ideas for new products. In true Viennese style, this is represented in the form of a coffee house.

Enable continuous creativity – The office layout, where the four stages flow in a virtuous circle, has been designed to enable continuous creativity – as ideas are evaluated and refined, new ones emerge and the process begins again – supporting the R&D team in their on-going quest for innovation.

Appreciations towards Evolution Design for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/17
Editor:Lucas Lee
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