Yuanbai Zhongwei / GTD
Yuanbai Zhongwei
Yuanbai Zhongwei / GTD

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中卫,一个具有600多年历史的城市,位于宁夏·内蒙古·甘肃三省交界处。近年来,因为黄河宿集而进入大家的视野,苍茫的黄土高原,浩瀚无垠的沙漠,奔腾不息的黄河,岁月在这里流淌,浓厚的西北文化在这里沉淀。元白·中卫店是黄河宿集十一家民宿中的收官之作,既要融合于宿集的整体氛围,又要体现元白独特的品质与调性,需要考虑更多。Zhongwei, a city with a history of more than 600 years, islocated at the junction of Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Gansuprovinces. In recent years, Zhongwei becomes famous due tothe Yellow River Suji, the boundless Loess Plateau, the vastdesert, the Yellow River running past, years here flowing,with strong northwest culture precipitating here.Yuanbai Zhongwei is the final work of the elevenaccomadations in the Yellow River Suji, which should notonly integrate into the overall atmosphere of the whole, butalso reflect the unique quality and tonality of Yuanbai,which needs more consideration.

改造前的元白是三栋散落的土坯房,孤独而倔强的守在宿集入口最佳处。设计中增添了连廊来帮助遮风挡雨,将三栋基础优秀的小屋串联成温馨的家园;继而通过合理的动线规划使抵达的客人可以在酒店内自由游荡,享受度假式松弛的同时,又具有独立性与私密性。Before the reconstruction, Yuanbai is three scattered-adobehouses, lonely and stubborn guard in the best place of theentrance of the Suji. Corridors were added in the design tohelp shelter from wind and rain, and connect three excellentadobe houses into a warm home; Then, through reasonableroute planning, arriving guests can wander freely in thehotel, enjoying holiday-style relaxation and alsoindependence and privacy at the same time.

酒店分为三个院落,其一是名为“空山九帖”的书店和茶饮空间,对外开放;另两个院落拥有11间客房。对建筑进行围合改造设计后,每个院落都拥有个性鲜明的公区,比如户外咖啡区、泳池、树林庭院、下沉式火塘、空中露台等等,客人们可以依据自己的喜好选择入住,同时也能串门共享其他院落,一站式的度假丰富多样。The hotel is divided into three courtyards, one is called“Kongshan Jiu Tie” bookstore and tea space, open to thepublic; The other two have 11 guest rooms. After thebuilding is enclosed and reconstructed, each courtyard has adistinctive public area, such as outdoor coffee area,swimming pool, forest courtyard, sunken fire pond, skyterrace, etc. Guests can choose to stay according to theirown preferences, and also can visit and share othercourtyards, one-stop vacation is rich and diverse.

风尘仆仆地飞到宁夏中卫,你要的不仅是一间舒适的客房,精神家园亦是现代人的向往追求。所以,元白有一间“空山九帖”,集书店、茶空间和咖啡厅为一体。Flying thousand miles to Ningxia Zhongwei, what you want isnot only a comfortable guest room, spiritual home is alsothe yearning pursuit of modern people. Therefore, Yuanbaihas a “Kongshan Jiutie”, which integrates bookstore, teaspace and cafe.

空山九帖,定义为“山野书店,不止于书”,旨在把最好的出版机构引入乡野,目前入驻的是读库、浦睿和中信大方三家。未来还会联合入驻机构一并举办各类活动,例如新书发布会、分享会、小型演唱会等等。这里不只是间普通的书店,更是文化传播的场所。Kongshan Jiutie, defined as “Bookstore in wild, not justbooks,” aims to bring the best publishers to thecountryside. Currentyl three bookstore named DUKU, InsightMedia, and Citic Dafang has settled in. In future, here willalso hold various activities together with the residentorganizations, such as book launch, sharing sessions, smallconcerts and so on. This is not just an ordinary bookstore,but also a place for cultural communication.

茶与咖啡,是种媒介,可以将任何空间场景黏合。元白旗下有“空山碎叶”茶空间,选用古鼎形式的风炉煮茶;元白也与高黎贡山顶一号咖啡庄园合作,推出咖啡产品。你可以来杯dirty,也可以煮壶热茶,佐以精美的点心,在西北慵懒的阳光下享受闲暇。Tea and coffee, as a medium, can bond any spatial scene.Yuanbai has “Kongshan Suiye” tea space, using teapots inancient form to cook tea; Yuan Bai also cooperates withGaoligong Mountain Top No.1 coffee manor to launch coffeeproducts. You can have a cup of Dirty or make a hot pot oftea and enjoy your leisure in the lazy northwest sun with anice snack.

在传统里体现当代Reflecting contemporary inthe traditional中卫有许多古村落深藏在群山与黄河湾里,北长滩便是其中之一,直到2006年,这里才通路通电、结束煤油灯的日子。沿着黄河边起伏的柏油路抵达北长滩,村民们都已陆续迁出,人去楼空的村落里遗留下曾经生活的痕迹。遍地的红石子,岁月风化的树干,树枝围就的木栅栏,夹杂着稻草的土坯墙。浑厚,苍茫,黄土,是这里的主旋律。Beichangtan village, one of Zhongwei’s many ancient villageshidden deep in the mountains and Yellow River Bay, had noelectricity until 2006, ending the days of kerosene lamps.Arriving in Beichangtan along the undulating tarmac of theYellow River, the villagers have all moved out, leavingbehind traces of their past lives in empty villages. Redstones, seasoned tree trunks, wooden palisades withbranches, adobe walls with straw. Vigorous, vast, loess,these are the main melody here.

深受北长滩的启发,元白大厅选用了西北特有的砂岩红,顶面、地面、墙面、旋转楼梯,目及所致都是浓浓的西北红。推开元白大门,一股饱满热烈而又质朴踏实的情感扑面而来。Deeply inspired by Beichangtan, the Hall of Yuanbai haschosen the unique sandstone red of northwest China. The topsurface, ground, wall and revolving staircase are allprocessed to thick northwest red. When arrriving at Yuanbai,guest will encounter a crash of warm, energetic and simpleemotion

元白的墙面煞是费了一番苦心,向当地老泥工学艺,按特定的配方调和黄泥,再纯手工一道一道刮上墙面。轻轻触摸着起伏的刮痕肌理,工人们在艳阳下挥汗如雨的劳作场景仿佛就在眼前。Yuanbai has taken great pains on the exterior wall. Learningfrom the local old mason, press specific formula toharmonize yellow mud, then scrape up on the wall by hand.When gently touching the undulating scratch texture, thescene of workers sweating in the sun seemed to be in frontof your eyes.

倾注了更多心血的是吧台背后的红泥砖墙。师傅们沿用传统匠术将当地的黄泥制成砖块,一块一块垒上墙,继而用调和的西北红着色,层层叠叠,拙朴、粗犷、随意,斑驳的刮痕仿佛古村落里遗留的岁月痕迹,在阳光的照射下刻骨铭心。More attention is paid to the red mud brick wall behind thebar. The masters use the traditional crafters to make bricksfrom the local yellow mud, pile up them one by one onto thewall, and then colored with the special northwestern red.The bricks, layer upon layer, simple, rough, casual, mottledscratches as if the traces of time left in the ancientvillage.

大厅吧台的上方有两盏生牛皮灯,出自一纳夫皮革研究所刘江老师(一纳夫刘江)。刘老师将半透明的整块生牛皮塑形卷成筒状,经过一个月的定型、干燥,保留了皮本质的起伏、重叠及自然的扭曲,再通过手工打磨抛光,让原本坚硬的皮灯有了岁月的亲近感。Above the bar in the hall, there are two cowhide lamps ,created by Mr. Liu Jiang from Enough Leather ResearchInstitute.Mr. Liu Jiang rolls the whole translucent rawhide intotubular shape, finalize the design through a month, keep thegrain, the rise and fall, overlap and natural twist on thecowskin, burnish and polish by hand again, turn theoriginally hard rawhide into soft and warm.

亮灯的瞬间,柔软的暖光从皮里透出来,把皮革天然的纹理照得毫无保留,像山水像人物,像画卷像历史长河,令人惊叹不已。这不仅仅是灯,是艺术品。The moment when the light is on, the soft warm light comesout from the cowskin, shining the natural texture of theleather without reservation, like landscape, like a person,like a picture scroll, like a long river of history,amazing.It’s not just lights. It’s art.

回归至“宿”,依偎着母亲河入眠Return to the “host”,nestled close to the Mother River民宿的本质依然是“宿”。元白的房型设计上使用了“打开”的手法,尽可能为每一间房都创造景观,或户外露台或私享庭院,客人即便慵懒地蜷缩在自己的空间里,也能接触自然自由呼吸。房间多选用大面积落地玻璃,苍茫的西北风光、奔腾的黄河流水、古老的长城遗址都能纳入眼帘,春天看屋外梨花满棠,冬天赏群山白雪覆盖,一年四季风光各不相同。The essence of homestay is still “stay”. Yuanbai uses the“open” technique in the room design, creating landscape foreach room as far as possible, or outdoor terrace or privatecourtyard, guests can touch with nature and breathe freelyeven if she languidly curled up in her own room. Most of therooms choose large floor-to-ceiling glass, the vastnorthwest scenery, the Yellow River running past, and theancient site of the Great Wall, all can be brought into theeye. In Spring you can see pear flowers outside, in Winteryou can enjoy the mountains covered with snow,the scenerychanges every season.

室内以柔和的暖色系为主,米色墙面,微红手工地砖,木本色的床与榻,棉麻的沙发与布艺,所见所触都与自然相关。进入房间,打开窗户,深深地呼吸,一切世俗烦恼都消逝,美好而松弛。更多的细节体现在床型设计上。为满足不同人群的需求,元白的床都采用榻式设计,同在一张大榻上,床垫可分可拼可加,从而在大床、双床、亲子房、家庭房之间灵活切换,随机应变。The indoor space is mostly decorated with downy warm color,creaminess metope, slightly red handmade brick, thewood-color bed and couch, the sofa of cotton hemp and clothart, everthing is concerned about natural. Enter the roomand open the window, take a deep breath, all worldlytroubles are gone, beautiful and relaxed.More details are reflected in the bed design. To satisfy thedemand of different crowds, the beds of Yuanbai are alldesigned as couch. Upon a big piece of bed, mattess can bedivided, can be combined, so to form a king room, a standardroom, a parent-child room or a family room, flexible at anytime.

黄河,怀抱着宿集蜿蜒而过。冬季的她,蓝色而清澈。天色渐暗,灯光亮起,在元白里安然入眠,依偎着中华儿女们的母亲河。The Yellow River, embracing the Yellow River Suji.In winter, she is blue and clear.As the day darkens and the lights come onSleeping in Yuanbai, close to the Mother River.

项目地址:宁夏中卫沙坡头区常乐镇大湾村1号项目面积:2000平米竣工日期:2022年2月业主单位:中卫元白文化创意有限公司合作伙伴:先行集团、宿集营造社、华正文旅、读库、浦睿、中信大方、高黎贡山顶一号咖啡庄园空间设计:杭州观堂室内设计有限公司工程施工:杭州久维装饰工程有限公司室内家居:壹集户外家具:Gogogo皮具定制:一纳夫皮革研究所主要材料:手工砖、水洗石、肌理涂料、红石子、锯纹木地板、老榆木空间摄影:唐徐国、汤汤、JudieGTD new case | Yuanbai ·Zhongwei – Desert, the Yellow River and the Gobi;Reading, Tea and A HolidayProject name: YuanbaiZhongweiProject Address: No.1, DawanVillage, Changle Town, Shapotou District, Zhongwei,NingxiaProjectarea: 2,000 square metersCompletion Date: February2022Owner:Zhongwei Yuanbai Cultural Creative Co.,LTDPartners:Xianxing Group, Suji Yingzaoshe, Huazheng Culture &Travel, DUKU, Insight Media, Citic Dafang, GaoligongHilltop No.1 Coffee ManorInterior design: HangzhouGuantang Interior Design Co., LTDProject construction: HangzhouJiuwei Decoration Engineering Co., LTDIndoor furniture: YIJICollectionOutdoor furniture:GogogoLeathercustomization: Enough Leather ResearchInstitutionMain materials: handmade brick,washed stone, texture paint, red stone, sawn wood floor,old elm woodSpace photo: Tang Xuguo, TangTang, Judie

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Published on 2024/01/10
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