Swoop Coffee And Taixi Restaurant / GTD
Swoop Coffee And Taixi Restaurant
Swoop Coffee And Taixi Restaurant / GTD

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青砖小瓦马头墙,回廊悬挂着飘逸的花格窗。小西湖片区是南京悠久历史风貌之一,曾为巨商沈三万(1130-1394)的产业遗迹,至今已有600年光辉岁月,在明清时期更是大型民居聚集地,散发着浓郁的人文气息,承载着深厚而珍贵的南京记忆。SWOOPCoffee和泰羲餐厅坐落于小西湖马道街23号这座宏伟庭院中,这栋老宅子共分三进庭院。前场则是开放式、雅致别致的SWOOP咖啡区域;而后场则设立了泰式餐厅。The Small West Lake area is one of the historic areas ofNanjing which is typical with blue brick, small tile, horsehead wall, and corridor decorated with lattice window. Itwas once the property of Mr. Shen Sanwan (1130-1394), agreat merchant in the late Yuan Dynasty. During the earlyMing & Qing Dynasties,many residents were gathering andstaying here. It has a history of 600 years, carrying deepmemories of Nanjing.SWOOP Coffee and Taixi Restaurant are located at 23 Ma DaoStreet in Xiaoxihu, an old house with three courtyards. Thefront court is the open SWOOP coffee area, and the backcourt is the Thai restaurant.

泰羲餐厅设计中秉承“在中式建筑内呈现当代氛围,将现代设计与传统相融合”的概念,在努力保持建筑原有风貌的基础上,展现当代新型生活方式与商业形态。Adhering to the concept of “presenting contemporaryatmosphere in Chinese architecture, integrating moderndesign with tradition”, the design strives to maintain theoriginal style of the building, showing the contemporary newlifestyle and business form.

在第二进庭院搭建楼梯可上至青瓦屋顶,坐享抬头望天的乐趣,店铺入口处的墙体,选择青砖与水磨石两种材质相互掩映,青砖代表传统,水磨石代表现代,象征新旧交替与相融。SWOOP的logo选用不锈钢材质,竖立在青砖上,代表品牌的现代与独立。SWOOP Coffee,build a staircase up to the tiled roof in thesecond courtyard.Guests can sit and enjoy the fun of looking up at thesky.On the wall at the entrance of SWOOP, two materials, bluebrick and terrazzo, are chosen to reflect each other. Bluebrick represents tradition, and terrazzo representsmodernity, symbolizing the alternation and integration ofold and new. SWOOP’s logo is made of stainless steel andstands on black brick to represent the brand’s modernity andindependence.

第一进庭院 咖啡区庭院 The first Courtyard Garden| Coffee Area第一进庭院全开放式,马道街上来来往往的行人都可望见院内客人享用咖啡的场景。而进入庭院则需要向院子右侧回旋,既增加了入店的仪式感,又确保了庭院内的客人不受干扰,而恰到好处的距离又使各自成为彼此的风景。进店的路径选用自然古朴的青石板铺就,曲径通幽;客区地面选用胶粘石,简洁现代。客区桌椅可以自由组合。阳光明媚,微风不燥的日子里,客人们都喜欢在这里慵懒地呼吸。The first courtyard is completely open, pedestrians comingand going on the road are expected to see the scene ofguests enjoying coffee in the courtyard. To enter thecourtyard, you need to turn to the right side of thecourtyard, which not only increases the ritual feeling ofentering the shop, but also ensures that the guests in thecourtyard are not disturbed, and the proper distance makeseach become the scenery of each other.The way to enter the store is paved with natural andprimitive blue slate, leading to the secluded spot Theground of guest area chooses gluey stone, concise andmodern. Guest area tables and chairs can be freely combined.On sunny, breezy days, guests enjoy relaxing here.

庭院里有一口古井,将其完好保留,并盖上透明玻璃、因地制宜地做成桌面,成为倚墙而居的一组客座。透过玻璃桌面可以向下望进古井,在现代的庭院内得以感受过往生活,体验穿越。There is an ancient well in the courtyard, which is wellpreserved, covered with transparent glass and made into atable, becoming a group of guests leaning against the wall.Through the glass table, you can look down into the ancientwell, and experience the past life in the modern courtyard.

第一进老宅 咖啡区 The first Ancient House |Coffee Area第一进老宅,设为SWOOP咖啡区。所有木梁与立柱都保留,着意体现其具有年代感的木质。不锈钢环岛吧台置于全屋正中,点单制作在此进行。老宅内人字坡顶,最高处达到4.9米。鉴于其优秀的挑空,为SWOOP专属设计并开发了一款漩涡星云状顶灯,从中式的木梁里穿越环绕,漩涡自上而下由大及小层层浓缩,以当代元素在中式建筑里的碰撞带来形式感和体验感,成为咖啡区的视觉焦点。呼应老宅的木梁木柱,窗户也选用了木质的折叠窗,可以完全打开并与户外庭院连通,桌椅同样选用木质,有温度有感情。而建筑外挑的屋檐与大门选用现代的不锈钢,室内地面选用简洁的水磨石。以木质与不锈钢的对比,来喻义传统与现代。The first Ancient House is set as SWOOP Coffee. All woodenbeams and columns have been retained to reflect itstimeliness. Stainless steel island bar is placed in themiddle of the whole house for coffee ordering. The roof ofthe old house is 4.9 meters high. In view of its outstandingspace, a whirlpool nebula-like dome light has been speciallydesigned for SWOOP which flows through the Chinese woodenbeams and condenses from large to small layers from top tobottom. The collision of contemporary elements in theChinese architecture brings a sense of experience, becomingthe visual focus of the coffee area.Echoing the wooden beams and columns of the old house, woodenfolding Windows have been selected, which can be completelyopened and connected with the outdoor courtyard. Woodentables and chairs are also selected to provide warmth andaffection. The eaves and doors of the building are made ofmodern stainless steel, while the interior floors are simpleterrazzo. With the contrast of wood and stainless steel, tometaphor meaning traditional and modern.

第二进庭院 青瓦屋顶咖啡,最大的惊喜,第二进庭院衔接咖啡区与餐区,设计为环天井形式,并增加檐顶用于遮风挡雨进入餐区。右侧的连廊辅以落地玻璃,围合成室内餐区。左侧的连廊增设通向二楼屋顶的楼梯,屋顶摇身一变成为绝佳体验区。四合院上方,蓝天白云,白墙青瓦就在身边触手可及,仰望信鸽成群飞过,俯瞰店内人来人往,在拥挤混乱的老城内有这样一方自由呼吸的天地,实属难得。庭院中间种植热带植物,屋顶的人们可以自上而下望见美景,室内用餐的客人也能透过落地玻璃欣赏,各自视觉完美而不受干扰。The second courtyard connects the coffee area and the diningarea. It is designed as a circular patio, and the eaves areadded to shelter guests from wind and rain. The corridor onthe right side is complemented by floor-to-ceiling glass,enclosing the indoor dining area. The corridor on the leftadds a staircase leading to the second floor roof, whichtransforms into an excellent experience area. Above thecourtyard, the blue sky and white clouds, white walls andtiles are within easy reach. Watching the pigeons flying by,overlooking the people coming and going in the store, it israre to have such a free breathing space in the crowded andchaotic old city.Tropical plants are planted in the middle of the courtyard.People on the roof can see the beautiful scenery from thetop down, and indoor dining guests can enjoy it throughfloor-to-ceiling glass, both vision is perfect andundisturbed.

第二进老宅 泰羲餐厅 The second Ancient House Thaixi Restaurant第二进庭院与连廊对客人是又一道仪式感的洗礼,由此客人继续向前,抵达第二进老宅——泰羲餐厅。客人首先来到一条金色通道,两侧以黄铜定制成半透隔断,迎宾会将客人带往不同的餐区。已落座的客人在这黄铜隔断的包裹中,也能安心用餐免受打扰。The second courtyard and corridor are another ritual baptismfor guests, from which guests continue to arrive at thesecond ancient hosue – Taixi Restaurant. Guests will firstarrive at a golden aisle flanked by semi-transparent brasspartitions, which will lead them to different dining areas.Seated guests can also enjoy their meal in peace of mind inthis package of brass partitions

餐厅主打泰式菜肴,空间设计中便选用了东南亚特色的鱼篓定制成顶灯,并以矩阵形式排布在顶部,非常吸睛。地面采用水磨石嵌入大理石错拼的特殊手法,突破常规但又内含逻辑,色调淡雅,层次更为丰富。餐椅选用了热带风情的橄榄绿丝绒面料,暗合泰式餐厅的同时,又与庭院内的热带植物悄然呼应。The restaurant focuses on Thai cuisine. In the space design,the fish basket with Southeast Asian characteristics isselected to make the overhead lamp, which is arranged on thetop in a matrix form, attracting the eye very much. Theground adopts the special technique of terrazzo embeddingmarble misspelling, which breaks through the convention butcontains logic, with quietly elegant tone and richer layers.Eat chair chose the olive-green velvet fabrics of tropicalamorous feelings, while tacking peaceful type dining-room,echo quietly with the tropical plant inside courtyard again.

第三进老宅 餐厅VIP包厢 The third Ancient House |Restaurant VIP rooms预定包厢的客人将从前厅一进进穿越老宅,抵达隐藏在最深处的VIP包厢,由此体会到格外的仪式感。每间包厢门口有特定的步道和绿植掩映,客人倍感私密与尊贵。Guests who reserve a box will experience a special sense ofceremony from the front hall through the old house to theVIP box hidden in the deepest. Each box has a specific pathand green plants at the door, guests feel private and noble.

在第三进庭院中,同样添加了檐廊,为来往的人们遮风挡雨。透过天井可以看见老城区里的一方蓝天。庭院里有自古遗留的古井和老门,设计中一一保留,以此与第一进咖啡庭院相呼应,带来传统与现代的冲撞,也为客人带来又一轮惊喜。新旧交替,一步一景老城区里的世外桃源中式传统与现代设计的融合这是SWOOP Coffee与泰羲餐厅在产品之外想带给大家的一种尝试与体验。In the third courtyard, eaves are also added to shelterpeople from wind and rain. Through the patio, one can seethe blue sky of the old town. There are an ancient Well anda old wooden door left over from ancient times in thecourtyard, which are retained to echo the first coffeecourtyard, bringing the collision between tradition andmodernity, and also bringing guests another round ofsurprise.New and old, one scene at atimeA hideaway in the old townThe fusion of Chinese tradition and modern designThis is what SWOOP Coffee and Taixi restaurant want to bringout

竣工日期:2021年10月空间设计:杭州观堂室内设计有限公司平面设计:LAD品牌设计施工团队:南京晓建装饰工程有限公司Vondom家具:Enjoyspace空间摄影:黑水 \ 张健 \ 汤汤 \SWOOPProject name: SWOOP Coffee andTaixi RestaurantProject Owner: Nanjing SipuBrand Management Co., LTDProject Location: No. 23, MadaoStreet, Xiaoxihu, NanjingProject Area: 600 squaremetersCompletion Date: October2021InteriorDesign: Hangzhou Guantang Interior Design Co.,LTDGraphicDesign: LAD Brand DesignProject Construction: NanjingXiaojian Decoration Engineering Co., LTDVondom Furniture Supply:EnjoyspaceSpace Photo: Heishui \ ZhangJian \ Tangtang\ SWOOP

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Published on 2023/05/06
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