Undiscovered valuable things of Ancient Nara / TORAFU ARCHITECTS
Undiscovered valuable things of Ancient Nara
Undiscovered valuable things of Ancient Nara / TORAFU ARCHITECTS

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100-300 m²
Text description provided by the architects

我们对奈良市的Naramachi市民中心进行了翻新,创造了一个空间,供游客和当地居民在附近商店关门后聚集并欣赏这座城市的魅力。We renovated a corner of the Naramachi Civic Center in Nara City. Deliverables included a space where tourists as well as locals can gather after all the nearby shops have closed down and experience the appeal of the city.
在日语中,这个活动和用餐空间的名字“coto coto”回响着希望将古代奈良(Koto-Nara)许多未被发现的有价值的“事物”(koto)聚集在一起,同时唤起了煮沸锅盖子对日本人耳朵所产生的“咔嗒声”(koto koto)。In Japanese, the name of this event and dining space, "coto coto" echoes the wish to bring and join together the many undiscovered valuable "things" (koto) of Ancient Nara (Koto-Nara), while evoking the "rattling sound" the lid of a simmering pot makes to Japanese ears (koto koto).

在这个活动空间里,举办了各种活动来展示奈良作为一个城市的魅力。此外,用当地生产的“大和传统蔬菜”制作的美食以及奈良县(古代大和国)出产的手工啤酒和日本米酒也在就餐区提供。Various activities are held in the event space, which convey the charm of Nara as a city. Also, the dining space features food made from local produce called "traditional vegetables of Yamato" (Yamato dento yasai) as well as craft beer and sake from Nara Prefecture (ancient Yamato Province)—the birthplace of Japanese rice wine.

我们的目标是在这个角落创造一个舒适和吸引人的氛围,通过使用织物和木制装饰来抵消公共设施常见的正式和拘谨氛围。此外,我们设计了一个由木架围起来的半私密区域,位于一个高台上,而餐厅中央的桌子可以轻松重新布置,并且墙边有长凳提供多样化的座位选择,在有限空间内实现多样化。We sought to transform this corner into a warm and welcoming space by using fabric and wooden fixtures to dissipate the businesslike and stuffy impression associated with public facilities. Moreover, this space offers a semi-private area enclosed behind wooden racks on a stage, while the tables at the center of the restaurant, which can be freely rearranged, and the benches along the wall, among others, offer a variety of seating choices in a confined space.

此外,这些架子可以用于各种方式,比如展示独特形状的传统大和蔬菜,并展示免费报纸和宣传奈良景点的文学作品等。奈良市旗的颜色可以在厨房墙壁上找到,给整个空间带来温暖感,而厨房和餐厅通过一面大开口进行交流,从而使两个区域具有统一感。Furthermore, the racks are intended to be used in various ways, such as for displaying uniquely shaped traditional Yamato vegetables, and presenting free newspapers and literature promoting attractions in Nara, etc. The colors of the flag of the City of Nara can be found on the kitchen walls, giving the whole space a sense of warmth, while the kitchen and dinning spaces communicate through a large opening in the wall, thus giving both areas a sense of unity.

通过创建一个以活动为中心、不断更新并成为所有关于奈良的信息来源的空间,我们希望将这个角落打造成一个探索城市隐藏宝藏的基地。By creating a space centering on events that is constantly being renewed and acts as a source of information for all things Nara, we sought to make this corner into a base camp from which to explore the city's hidden treasures.

Appreciations towards TORAFU ARCHITECTS for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/14
Editor:Lucas Lee
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