Big and Tiny Silverlake / ZOOCO ESTUDIO
Big and Tiny Silverlake
Big and Tiny Silverlake / ZOOCO ESTUDIO

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我们需要一个让孩子和大人都能尽情享受的凉爽场所。在这里,家庭生活的方方面面都能得到发展。Big and Tiny 的想法就这样诞生了。Big and Tiny 在圣莫尼卡开设了第一家店。该项目占地 467 平方米(5027 平方英尺),最大高度为 6.50 米(22 英尺),其特点是由木质桁架组成的屋顶结构清晰可见,覆盖了整个厂房,并免除了内部空间的结构。除桁架外,厂房还有几个不同高度的封闭体量,其中包括维护功能区以及浴室、厨房和会议室。Out of the need for a cool spot for both kids and adults to enjoy. A place where families can grow in every aspect of their lives. This is how the idea of Big and Tiny was born. Big and Tiny opened the first space in Santa Monica. This project is the second local of the brand and it is situated in Silverlake (California) The Project covers a surface of 467m2 (5027 sq ft) with a max height of 6.50m (22 ft) and it is characterised by a visible roof structure of wooden trusses that cover the entire factory building and exempt the interior space of having structure. Besides the trusses, the building has a few closed volumes in different heights that contain maintenance functions as well as the actual bathrooms, kitchen and meeting rooms.

该项目有两个不同的规则:第一个规则是创造两个不同的空间,彼此隔绝声音。这两个空间分别供成人和儿童使用;第二个规则是在这两个空间中创建开放式广场。我们将私人用途压缩在围绕广场有序排列的体量中。我们建造了一堵墙,将建筑分成两部分。这堵墙具有隔音效果,并用镜子覆盖,以便在两个空间中产生更大的振幅。The project is created under two different rules; the first one was to generate two different spaces acoustically isolated one from each other. This spaces are for the adult and the children public; the second one was to create in both spaces, open squares. We did it compressing the private uses in volumes that are ordered around this squares. We built a wall that splits up the building into two parts. This wall contains the acoustic isolation and is covered by mirrors in order to generate more amplitude in both spaces.

划分完成后,我们生成了一个构造模块,以带状的形式在这些地方重复出现。通过它的扩张和压缩,我们覆盖了场地的整个周边。这种空间张力创造了符合项目要求的内部空间,同时也创造了广场的外立面,广场将成为儿童的主要活动空间或学生开展各种活动的空间。根据用途或功能的不同,这些带子可以使用不同的材料,当我们希望在空间之间进行视觉交流时,这些带子甚至可以变成格子。Once this division is generated, we generated a constructive module that is repeated in the form of bands that runs those places. Through its expansion and compression, we covered the entire perimeter present in the premises. This spatial tension creates interior spaces that respond to the requested program, moreover at the same time, it creates the facade of the square that will be the main space for children or the space to develop various activities in the case of students. These bands materialize in different materials according to their use or function and even become lattices when we are interested in having a visual communication between spaces.

关于材料,我们可以列举五种: 木材、镜子、软木、毛毡和纸板。木材作为结构元素,在大多数家具中都能体现出其品质,并与原始体量相关联;中央墙壁上的镜子放大了儿童和成人空间;软木和毛毡被用作立方体和底板的外表皮;最后,软木被用在柜台和展架上,作为组织和支撑展架的一种方式。Regarding materials we can shout out five: Wood, mirror, cork, felt and cardboard. The wood as structural elements and in the majority of the furniture generates quality and it relates to the originals volumes; the mirror in the central wall amplifies the children and adult spaces; the cork and felt are used as an exterior skin in cubes and baseboards; lastly, the cork is used in the counter and in the exhibition shelves as a way to organise and support the shelves.

在功能层面上,我们在儿童区内建造了两个立方体(树屋和球窝),在成人区内建造了两个立方体(自行车立方体和静音立方体),还有一个立方体位于两个区域之间,与儿童区相连,用于儿童聚会。每个立方体都通过高底板或木板条制成的曲线连接起来。整体由 2x4 英尺(60x120 厘米)的木板和 2x4 英寸的木钉调节。木钉在空腔墙中用作结构,在连接曲线中用作独立的板条。项目的每一面墙都能看到该模块。在家具和灯具方面,Normann Copenhaguen、Sprout、Ferm Living 和 Peloton 是项目中的主要品牌。In a functional level, we build two cubes inside the children area (Tree House y Ball pit), two cubes inside the adult zone (Bike Cube y Silence Cube) and one cube in between the two areas connected to the children area due to it is used for the children parties. Every cube is connected through high baseboards or curves made of wooden slats. The whole is modulated by wooden panels of 2x4 ft (60x120cm) and by wooden studs of 2x4 inches. The studs are used as structure in the cavity walls and as independent slats in the connection curves. The module is visible in every wall of the project. Moving to furniture and lighting, Normann Copenhaguen, Sprout, Ferm Living and Peloton are the main brands that are in the project.

Material Used :
1. Muuto - Fiber Lounge Chair
2. Sprout - Cube Shelf
3. Ferm Living - Collect Lighting
4. Normann Copenhaguen - Era Lounge Chair
5. Pelotón - Peloton Bike

Software Used :
1. Autocad
2. Rhinoceros
3. Photoshop
4. Revit

Appreciations towards ZOOCO ESTUDIO for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/14
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