Weave Concrete Tile Series / Note Design Studio
Weave Concrete Tile Series
Weave Concrete Tile Series / Note Design Studio
Note Design Studio

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Note DesignStudio为混凝土制造商KAZA设计。该系列作品造型独特,包含“马尔代夫”,“卡拉哈里”和平面三种类型,每种类型分为两个尺寸。瓷砖拥有24款基础颜色和六款金属色,表面有光面和磨砂两种选择。常见的混凝土在设计师和厂商的合作下呈现出了不一样的精彩活力。KAZA introduces anotherdistinctly original concrete tile series to thecompany’s product line, designed by Swedish collectiveNote Design Studio. The ’Weave’ tile series consist ofthree individual styles, in two different sizes:‘Maldives’, ‘Kalahari’ and a flat piece. The tiles areavailable in 24 base colours in both matte and glossyfinishes, and an additional six metallic colours.

从沙丘和传统的编织工艺中获得灵感,设计出了这款连绵起伏,形态优雅的瓷砖。“编织”系列瓷砖由简单的结构和重复的形式构成,其表面采用被称为“液体石材”的特质混凝土,极为光滑细腻。这款瓷砖既经典又现代,可以在任何环境中使用,其简洁宁静的外观与现代建筑的结构特征相和谐。Note attributes the undulatingrhythmic imagery created by sand dunes and traditionalweaving techniques as the inspiration for the gracefulcontour. ’Weave’ is simple in structure and repetitivein form. The surface is the smoothest, speciallyformulated concrete, best described as „liquid stone”.It is a contemporary classic well-suited for anyenvironment. The tranquil simplicity of Weave provides apoint of synergy with the sculptural qualities ofcontemporary architecture.

Appreciations towards Note Design Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/06/30
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