Palace Restaurant / Note Design Studio
Palace Restaurant
Palace Restaurant / Note Design Studio
Note Design Studio

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作为芬兰美食的代表,皇宫大饭店早在1952年就活跃在首都赫尔辛基。饭店所在的现代主义建筑由芬兰设计师 ViljoRevell 和 KeijoPetäjä设计。这栋如远洋船舶的美丽建筑经常被形容为芬兰城市艺术的名片。这栋现代主义风格的建筑经历了一次彻底的改造,这其中就包括了皇宫大饭店的室内装修项目。在历经彻底的翻修工程后,这间位于餐厅第十层的餐厅为来访者展示了其又一风采。现代时尚的内装风格并不是皇宫大饭店所期待的。与之相反,皇宫大饭店想要用一种可以经得起时间的历练的风格,回应对历史和传统的尊重。The spearhead of Finnishgastronomy, restaurant Palace was first opened in 1952in tandem with Hotel Palace. Designed by Finnisharchitects Viljo Revell and Keijo Petäjä, the modernistbuilding, often described as the business card of theFinnish art industry, took the shape of a big oceanship.The modernist building has undergone a totalrenovation, including a remodelling of restaurantPalace’s interiors. The restaurant with its impressivefestive spaces on the building’s 10th floor has beengifted a new identity built to honour the restaurant’sroots.When restaurant Palace approached us, theydidn’t ask for a modern and trendy interior. On thecontrary, they asked for something that will withstandtime and honour the history and tradition of Palace.

充满挑战想的工作和众人的期许,激发了设计师的创作斗志,从材料选择,柚木升降电梯,再到用餐区墙壁都是设计师的精心之作。从色彩搭配到定制水推车,每一项细节设计都离不开NoteDesign Studio与SARCArchitects和Skanska的密切合作,以及与业主的充分交流。就连桌椅摆设,也要与各位大厨达成共识。除了室内设计细节的精心考究,与AgencyLeroy在陈列的探讨上也为餐厅氛围增色不少,并最终将其打造为精致优雅,温暖舒适的用餐环境。在设计构思上,设计师不仅深刻考虑了餐厅的环境设计,更为其勾画了最贴切的环境符号。对设计师来说,这里不应仅仅是对传统的尊敬和对本土的回应,它还应该拥有其独特的风格。The complexity of thischallenge, as well as the ambition of everyone involvedopened up our ability to think about the details, frommaterial choices, the iconic teak veneered elevators andwalls to the customer experience.During theconstruction of palace, Note Design Studio workedclosely with SARC Architects and Skanska and had longconversations with the client, discussing everythingfrom colour choices to custom-made trolleys. Thedialogue continued with the chefs, who talked about thetone of voice of the table setting.At Palace,every detail has been carefully thought of, not only inthe interior design, but also in the collaboration withAgency Leroy on the graphic elements, to ensure that thepalette was elegant and sophisticated, yet warm andwelcoming.Weimagined, not what Palace could be, but what it shouldbe. For us, the space should not only convey a sense andrespect for tradition, and highlight the localatmosphere, but also be expressive on its own.

我在赫尔辛基度过了大半生,此次与皇宫大饭店合作是我的荣幸。这个从儿时就出现在记忆里的餐厅,有一天我可以亲自为它换上新装。我犹记得我的祖父曾给我讲过这间餐厅和它辉煌的历史。能参与这间餐厅的设计简直就是我梦想中的事。”NOTEDesign Studio的室内设计师Degerth说道。“Having spent most of mylife in Helsinki, working with Palace has been ahumbling experience. We were given a chance toinfluence the interior of a space I have known sinceI was a child. I remember my grandfather speakingabout Palace and its grandeur. Being given thechange to create the new Palace is far beyond what Iever imagined”

Appreciations towards Note Design Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/09
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