Worlds First End Up For Tele 2 / Note Design Studio
Worlds First End Up For Tele 2
Worlds First End Up For Tele 2 / Note Design Studio
Note Design Studio

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在与Åkestam&Holst广告代理商的协作下,设计师为科技巨头TELE2公司成功打造了世界上第一个没有任何商业构想的办公环境。斯堪的纳维亚人一直都有着特立独行的做事方式,那个曾成就了瑞典人的优秀的商业环境,如今正演变成一个被称作“End-Up”的实验性空间,即一个没有任何商业理念的公司。In collaboration with advertising agency Åkestam&Holst wehave created the world’s first “End Up” a company without abusiness idea, a project for the tech giant TELE2.Scandinavians have proved to do things the other wayaround successfully. The progressive business climate thatmade Swedish starts-ups successful has now evolved into anexperiment called “End-Up” – a company without a businessidea.

由斯堪的纳维亚尤其是瑞典输出的创意公司,在过去的几年中都取得了不俗的成绩。这其中Spotify,Tictail和Skype都是最好的成功例证。此次设计师为Tele2电信公司设计了他们最新的,看似怪异的商业公司“End-Up”。它是一个另一种形式的创业公司。在这个空间里没有任何商业构想,却包含除此之外的一切东西,如艺术工作室般的办公环境和非常专业的设计与设备。The creative export from Scandinavia, and Sweden inparticular, have over the past years been huge. Spotify,Tictail and Skype is just some proof of that. For thetelecom company Tele 2 we have designed their latest, kindaweird, take on starting a business: an “End-up”. It is likea start-up, but from the other way around.The onlything missing is a business idea, but is set up witheverything else: starting with a state of the art officespace created by our studio, a design based on the latestresearch in successful business, put together by experts, aoffice by numbers.

Appreciations towards Note Design Studio for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/01
Editor:Lucas Lee
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