YouTube Space Tokyo / Klein Dytham architecture
YouTube Space Tokyo
YouTube Space Tokyo / Klein Dytham architecture
Project Year
Site Area
unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

Klein Dytham 建筑事务所(KDa)的项目源于一次全球性的慷慨之举。YouTube 创建了 YouTube Space Tokyo,为其在亚洲的顶级视频制作人提供免费设施。东京中心包括演播室、制作室、培训区和休息室,是 YouTube 在世界各地创建的众多类似设施之一,其他设施位于伦敦和洛杉矶。YouTube 的目标是创建一个 "协作制作设施",提供培训和制作支持,帮助最有活力的制作人将他们的视频提升到完全专业的水平。

Klein Dytham architecture’s (KDa) project has its origins in a global act of generosity. YouTube has created YouTube Space Tokyo that provides free facilities for the use of their top video producers in Asia. Including studios, production suites, training areas, and lounges, the Tokyo center is one of a number of similar facilities YouTube are creating around the world – others are in London and Los Angeles. YouTube’s goal was to create a ‘collaborative production facility’, providing both training and production support to help their most energetic producers elevate their videos to a fully professional level.

KDa 独特的室内项目位于东京市中心森大厦的高处。一进门,参观者就会看到一面由红色面板组成的视觉冲击力极强的墙壁,这些红色面板来自 YouTube 的标志性徽标--徽标被三维化,用 "陶瓷木 "浇铸并涂漆。徽标从接待区的鲜红色渐变到休息室的粉红色,再到咖啡厅和厨房区的白色,为游客指引方向。

KDa’s unique interior project is located high in the Mori Tower in central Tokyo. On entering, the visitors encounter a visually striking wall of red panels derived from the YouTube’s iconic logo – the logo is three-dimensionalized, cast in ‘ceramic wood’, and lacquered. Serving to orient visitors to the facility, the logos fade from bright red in the reception area to pink in the lounge to white in the café and kitchen area. 

KDa 在周围布置了制作室、录音室、绿幕演播室、控制室、剪辑室、化妆室、绿幕室、贵宾室、咖啡厅以及一个用于研讨会和学习软件的大型培训室。不仅是演播室,所有的空间都是为拍摄而设计的。各种墙面、地毯色调和天花板配置都是为了提供各种场景。其中一面墙用作 "名人堂",展示顶级制作人的照片。一条超长的窗帘--由著名的东京制造商 Nuno 制作--蜿蜒穿过室内,可以灵活地分割空间。定制的沙发可以重新摆放,以适应各种形式的活动--展板、访谈等。空间的布置还最大限度地利用了天际线景观,包括标志性的东京塔,作为拍摄背景。
Around this KDa have arranged production studios, an audio recording space, a green screen studio, control rooms, an editing suite, a make-up room, green rooms, a VIP space, a café, and a large training room for seminars and learning software. All of the spaces – not just the studios – have been designed to allow shooting. The variety of wall surfaces, carpet shades, and ceiling configurations is intended to provide a wide range of settings. One wall serves as a ‘Hall of Fame’ showing images of the top producers. A super-long curtain – made from fabric by famed Tokyo manufacturers, Nuno – snakes through the interior allowing flexible division of the space. A custom-designed sofa can be rearranged to suit a variety of formats – panels, interviews, and so on. The space has also been arranged to maximize the use of the skyline view, including the iconic Tokyo Tower, as a shooting backdrop. 

该项目将设备齐全的制作室挤进了标准的办公楼层,这一点非常了不起。过去,制作工作室需要很高的天花板,以防止高温的照明设备烤熟演员。然而,现代 LED 灯温度很低,可以在高层办公楼提供的空间内使用。KDa 仍然需要克服相当大的技术难题,他们将演播室精心布置在地板上相对没有管道的区域,从而获得了一点额外的天花板高度。
The project is remarkable in squeezing fully equipped production studios into a standard office floor. In the past, production studios required high ceilings to prevent the hot lighting rigs literally cooking performers. Modern LED lights, however, are cool and can be used in the space offered by high-rise office floors. KDa still need to overcome considerable technical challenges, which they achieved in part by carefully placing the studios in areas of the floor relatively free of ducting and thereby gaining a little extra ceiling height.

Appreciations towards Klein Dytham architecture for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/07/06
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