Anshun Hongshan Lake Civil Park China By La Design / Aoya
Anshun Hongshan Lake Civil Park China By La Design
Anshun Hongshan Lake Civil Park China By La Design / Aoya

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在大多数人都被互联网束缚在手机和电脑屏幕前的当代,产生负面情绪或面对巨大压力时,人们总是选择在虚拟世界中释放自己。弃实向虚的网络经济与时代浪潮,在实体经济饱受冲击的当下,怎么样的城市公共空间才能让人们走到户外,怎么样的公园才能成为人们适合去、乐意去的解压地?In contemporary society, various people are chained to theircell phones and computer screens by the Internet。Most ofthem choose to release their negative emotions and greatpressure in the virtual world instead of in the reality. Inthe context of Internet economy prevailing and real economydepressed, what kind of urban public space can attractpeople to outdoors? How to design a “beloved” park helpingpeople to relieve their pressure?

什么才是受欢迎的现代公园?What is the popularmodern park like?位于贵州安顺市核心区与虹山水库之间的虹山湖公园最早建成于1985年,当时这个面积仅有2公顷的”袖珍公园”,却凭借着湖光山色、游轮游乐设施创下节日期间接待游客1万余人的最好成绩,也一度成为安顺市民休闲游玩的最佳场所。之后的几十年里公园面积不断扩大,2017年虹山湖还被批准为国家4A级旅游景区,所以光顾这处公园的外地游客也越来越多。如何将作为安顺旅游核心节点,同时也是连接城市与自然的虹山湖公园打造成一个受欢迎的现代公园,从一开始,设计团队就面对人与自然两个方面的重要挑战:其一,关于人。对于有“安顺城市会客厅”之称的虹山公园来说,它既要满足当地市民的日常休闲需求,又要有足够的看点能留住外地游客。其二,关于自然。贵州安顺是中国喀斯特地貌分布最集中、最明显的地区,如何克服复杂的地形地貌,让设计与原有的生态环境相融合,也是设计师必须面对的难题。Hongshan lake civil park is located in the middle areabetween Guizhou Anshun CBD and the Hongshan reservoir. Itwas first built in 1985, and at that time, the “pocket park”with an area of only 2 hectares set a record of receivingmore than 10,000 tourists during the festival thanks to thescenery of lakes and the fun of cruise rides. The parkbecame Anshun citizens’ first choice for leisure. In thefollowing decades, the park continued to expand. In 2017,Hongshan lake was approved as a national 4A touristattraction, so more and more tourists came to visit thepark. How to turn the park, which is the famous Anshuntourist attraction and the indispensable link between thecity and nature, into a popular modern one? From the verybeginning, two challenging questions were thrown to thedesign team. One is about people. For Hongshan park, knownas “Anshun city reception hall”, it not only needs to meetlocal citizens’ daily leisure needs, but also needs tocreate enough attractions to tourists. Second, about nature.Anshun is one of the most spectacular examples of karstlandscapes in China. There were lots of restrictions to dothe design in such complex terrain conditions. How tointegrate the design with the original ecologicalenvironment is a difficult problem that designers must face.

基于此,设计师以社会学调研作为切入手段,对周边居民和外来游客进行大量走访调查。在精准获取使用者需求的基础上,设计团队结合场地考察评估结果,形成微创介入的核心设计手法,将场地特征与设计相结合,低干预、抓重点,打造一个集休闲游乐参与于一体的综合型生态市民公园。In order to solve the problem, designers used a sociologicalresearch, which was conducted by many interviews with nearbyresidents and visitors, as the start point. Afterunderstanding the users’ requirements, based on the detailedsite investigation results, the team contributed to the coredesign technique called minimal-invasive intervention. Thedesign fits the characteristics of the site withoutunnecessary interference. The team focused on creating acomprehensive ecological public park integrating recreationand amusement.

利用原有竖向关系、人地关系、植被关系因势造景,轻设计、重本源。Make use of the originalvertical relationship and the preserved plantlandscape, designers emphasized the origin ratherthan skills.地块高差复杂是本案设计难点之一。原场地南侧现状存在茂密林木,中部与西侧最大相对高差约16米,西侧和东侧散落民宅。微创介入的核心设计手法被设计团队贯彻始终,利用原有竖向关系、人地关系、植被关系因势造景,轻设计、重本源。The project had complex elevation differences. The maximumrelative height difference between the middle and west sideof the existing forest land on the south side of the park isabout 16 meters. The core design technique ofminimal-invasive intervention is implemented by the designteam from beginning to end. Make use of the originalvertical relationship and the preserved plant landscape,designers emphasized the origin rather than skills.

什么是微创式介入设计手法?奥雅设计团队认为判定微创式设计,最重要的,体现在对场地干预之后,场地本身是否仍然具有原有的生态机能。它不仅是强化场地本身进化能力的有效方式,也是对自然生态系统在一定时期内的恢复能力的保护。具体来讲,在虹山公园的微创式设计,体现在设计团队利用数据模型研究地表径流、生态廊道,对挖方/填方以及可能存在的生态风险进行判定,在重要节点因地制宜的进行结合地形地貌与功能性质的改善。What is the minimal-invasive intervention design technique?The L&A Design believes that the core criterion for asuccessful minimal-invasive design is that whether the sitestill has the original ecological function or not. It is notonly an effective way to strengthen the site’s evolutionaryability, but also a protection of natural ecosystems’resilience.The design team used data models to studysurface runoff and ecological corridors, to judge theexcavation/filling and possible ecological risks, and todesign based on local topography and improve the ecologicalfunctions in important area. These are the specificminimal-invasive design techniques used in the designprocess of Hongshan civil park.

场地内原有两处低洼区,积水来源于周边地形带来的地表径流和降雨,夏季洪涝严重。设计师将东侧低洼坑塘转化为“潮汐湖”花园,搭配围合景墙和水生态植被,满足了儿童的戏水需求,兼顾雨水收集调蓄的生态功能。There were two low-lying areas in the site, and the water wascollected from the surface runoff and rainfall.The standingwater result in serious floods in summer. The designerstransformed the low-lying pothole on the east side into a“tidal lake” garden, with enclosed landscape wall andaquatic ecological vegetation to meet the needs of childrento play in the water and the ecological function ofrainwater collection and storage.

“潮汐湖”岸边设有可以游乐互动的叠石水景,水景的水取自“潮汐湖”内,人们可以通过阿基米德取水器装置将水源引入水杉湿地,在一系列水循环,回到“潮汐湖”。A playable and interactive rockery waterscape is design onthe shore of the “tidal lake”. Water from the tidal lake ischanneled into the metasequoia wetland through theArchimedes water extractor of the rockery waterscape design.After a series of water cycles, the water returns to thetidal lakes.

西侧地势低洼区积水严重,不适宜布置住宅建筑,本质上早期规划没有正确理解人地关系。设计师将原有的老旧民宅移除,建造成一处雨水花园,展示海绵城市“”渗、蓄、滞、净、用、排“的六大要点。以生态方法蓄水、净水,需要时将水加以利用。被木栈道和灯芯草环绕的雨水花园和外形简洁的景观亭成为这一片区的视觉中心。从远处望去如同一面澄澈的圆镜,映照出两棵现状洋槐树的婆娑姿态,仿佛能够将世间万物都收进这隅小小的空间里。The low-lying area on the west side of the park has seriouswater accumulation, which is not suitable for the layout ofresidential buildings. Former planning designersmisunderstand the local topography. L&A Design removedthe original old houses and built a rain garden to show thesix key points of sponge city: infiltration, storage,stagnation, cleanness, use and discharge. Use ecologicalmethods to store and purify water in order to establish aset of recycling water resources utilization system.Anartistic and practical pavilion and a rain garden which issurrounded by wooden walkways and rushes is designed as thevisual center of the area. From a distance, it looks like aclear round mirror, reflecting the swaying posture of twocurrent locust trees, as if they could collect everything inthe world into this small space.

针对原场地较为复杂多样的地形,设计师利用高差不同的挡墙处理石材断面,对中部及“潮汐湖”花园附近的高坡进行了趣味的围合。All kinds of stone blocks with different height were used todeal with the complex elevation differences. The centralarea of the park including the “tidal lake” are surroundedby those interesting artistic barriers.

适应性景观:展现真实的自然状态Adaptive landscape: showthe real state of nature当雨季来临时,雨水打在植被上,植被或倒伏或倾斜,最后汇入积洼地;随着持续的降雨,积洼地水位逐渐升高直至溢入虹山湖内……这是场地中最原始的自然状态。设计师在设计过程中非常注重适应这种自然动态过程,力图向使用者展现自然过程中的动态景观。适应性景观即因适应而产生的景观,是奥雅设计团队认为场地得到的最佳景观效果。When the rainy season comes, raindrops hit the vegetation;the vegetation is blown down by strong winds;water flowsinto the depression continuously; the water level graduallyrises until flows into Hongshan lake……This is the mostprimitive natural scene of the site. The designers paidgreat attention to the natural circulation system in thesite and tried to show it to the users. Adaptive landscapeis the landscape produced after the design is adapted to thesite, which is the best landscape effect a site can get.

场地南侧原为儿童公园区,年久失修、设施破败、污染物堆积,造成大量空间浪费。设计团队发现这片区域绿化基底条件良好,留有许多现状大树,因此充分考虑地形和现状树是设计过程中从一而终的原则,利用现有林木进行场地的二次设计。保留老公园优良现状大树,延续场地记忆,同时建立起与现代人的休闲需求相适应的功能场地,重新激发绿色空间,新场地焕活老公园,现状树支撑新场地,相得益彰。There is a dilapidated children’s park on the south side ofthe site with broken facilities and accumulation ofpollutants, resulting in a lot of space is wasted. Thedesign team found that the area was rich in naturalvegetation resources and many big trees remained. Accordingto the principle of respecting the topographic situation ofthe site, the design team used the existing trees to carryout the secondary design of the site.Intact trees areretained to continue the memory of the site. At the sametime, the reenergized green space satisfied modern people’sleisure needs. The old scene blends with the new and the oldtrees support the site’s newborn. They both bring out thebest in each other.

在充分考虑本土植物应用以展现安顺地域特色的基础上,兼顾外来游客参观需求,增加了观赏性较强的植物创造打卡点,坚持生态、低成本养护和可持续原则,以“四时有景、处处皆景”为导向。The plant design is based on careful investigation. Firstly,the design team retained Anshun native plants to show thelocal characteristics. After that, ornamental plants wereadded to attract visitors. Based on the principle oflow-cost conservation and sustainability, the park wasturned to have “scenery in everywhere”.

观景台藏在一片现状树林中,是南向观湖的最佳视点,郁郁葱葱,一片幽静,新植的桂花和鸡爪槭协调新旧元素,填补了群落中层。Hidden in the forest, the viewing platform has the best southview of the lake. The newly planted Osmanthus flower andacer palmate harmonize the old and new elements.

奇幻森林区空旷的阳光草坪衬托着周围的现状香樟和桂花树,简单的植物层次延伸了空间,拉远了时光,给人无尽想象。The open sunny lawn in the fantasy forest forms a visualcontrast with the surrounding camphor and Osmanthus trees.The layered plant design extends the space, slows down thetime, and gives people endless imagination.

以现状大雪松为中心,几条碎拼小路,几块恬静的花境,几处坐凳,成了一处精致有序的小空间;粉黛乱子草长成一片粉色的海洋,阳光照耀下仿佛一张朦胧的薄纱。A few of stoned trails, flower fields and wooden benchescontribute to a beautiful and delicate space around a giantcedar in center. The grass grows into a sea of pink andbecomes hazy by the sunlight.

在场地植物茂盛区域,清理现场长势不好的乔木及杂乱的下层,保留较好的现状柳杉林,林下种植耐阴地被玉簪、葱兰、紫娇花,芦苇灯点缀其中,野趣十足。In the area where the plants flourish, it is necessary toclean up the poorly growing trees and the messy weeds.Intact Cryptomeria fortune is retained. In the woods, shade– tolerant hairpin, zephyrettes candida and Tulbaghiavielacea are planted. Under the ornament of reed lamp, thesite becomes full of wild interest.

互动:儿童友好型城市山地公园Interactive: child-friendlyurban mountain park只有在人使用的过程中,场所才有了功能,场所才能成为场所。传统公园往往以观光功能为主,缺乏互动体验,虹山湖公园特别注重人与场地的互动,增强使用者的参与感。A place can only be called a place when it is given functionsin the process of being used. Traditional parks usually areonly designed with sightseeing functions and lack ofinteractive experience. Hongshan lake park is a veryinteractive park and users can find many interactiveexperiences.

基于儿童对公园的期待,设计师在互动功能置入时充分考虑了场地原本的地形地貌,将一处面积较大的斜坡因势利导改造成儿童攀爬地形乐园;除此之外,还在植被茂盛的地带建造了几处林荫花园,为久居城市的孩子们提供更多亲近自然、感受自然的机会和场所。Based on the children’s expectations of the park, thedesigners took full consideration of the site’s originaltopography. A large slope has been transformed into aplayground for children to climb. In addition, several shadygardens have been built, providing more opportunities andplaces for urban children to get close to nature.

孩子是公园的活力和生机之源,一摊柔软的细沙、几处攀爬木桩,公园便成了他们的专属游乐场。通过对儿童空间的尺度、材料、趣味性等元素的研究,借助地形处理,营建受儿童欢迎的户外活动空间,使孩子们可以在各类非动力乐园中扩展动手能力,获得持续的快乐。Children are the lifeblood of the park. With a pool of softsand and a few climbing stakes, the park becomes kids’exclusive paradise. Through the study of the scale,material, interest and other elements of children’s space,the designed outdoor activity space becomes very popular.Children can expand their hands-on skills in a variety ofnon-dynamic playgrounds and have constant fun.

找寻人与自然更好的共处模式是设计的初衷。通过参与式、在地式的设计手法,塑造功能各异的场景,使不同年龄段的人都可以参与进来,让虹山公园成为本地居民生态、健康、趣味的生活容器。The original intention of the design is to find a bettercoexistence mode between man and nature. Throughparticipatory and ground-based design, different scenes withvarious functions were designed to make sure that people ofdifferent ages can participate in it. Hongshan park becomesan ecological, healthy and interesting life container forresidents

生活的容器:城市有机更新的活力空间Container of life: thedynamic space of urban organicrenewal公园是充满生活气息的地方,在公园中能够最快触及本地居民最真实的生活状态。设计师最大限度保留了场地原有特征,对原本杂乱的场地进行整理提升,将其改造成为一处更加亲民的活力空间,让使用者在公园中能够以最舒服的方式与自然对话。不需过多的设计、不加繁杂的装饰,生活的美好便藏进了一草一木之中。在公园内构筑物建造上,秉持简洁,将地形与覆土建筑结合,用几何语言强调构筑物与环境的关系,塑造现代风格。The park is full of life atmosphere. In the park, touristscan quickly touch the most real life of residents. Thedesigner maximally retained the original features of thesite, and reorganized and upgrade the messy groundcondition. It was transformed into a more friendly anddynamic space. Users can communicate with nature in the mostcomfortable way. without overmuch details and multifariousornaments, the beauty of the life was combined into thedesign of the every grass and tree in the park. Buildingswere designed with simplicity and blends with the terrain.Designers use geometric language to emphasize therelationship between the building and the environment,creating the exclusive modern style architecture.

在虹山湖市民公园里走走逛逛,看着四季在眼前轮序更替,我们才感觉到时间的流逝。把春天放进口袋里带回家;夏天爬上树梢去摘知了;秋天拾一片银杏叶夹进书本;冬天躺在木椅上晒晒依旧温暖的阳光。卸去所有的防备,放下俗世的纷扰,赤条条地钻进森林里,像儿时一样尽情撒欢。在公园里,你只做你自己。Walking around the Hongshan lake civil park, watching thealternation of seasons, we feel the passage oftime.Put spring in your pocket and take it home; Climbto the treetops to pick cicadas in summer; Pick up a ginkgoleaf and folded it into the book in Autumn; Lie on a woodenchair and basking in the warm sunlight in winter. Take offall the precautions.Put down the mundane troubles. Be nakedand run into the forest. Play like a child. In the park,you’re just yourself.

虹山湖公园的设计与城市发展导则相契合,侧重强调生态性、可持续发展性和“海绵城市”的理念。通过构建大疏大密空间布局、层次丰富的景观,营造一个以生态为基底的市民活动公园,通过展示、体验、互动三种方式,使游人参与其中。乘优越地理位置之势,借良好的绿色基底,将曾经的废弃之地改造为一个焕发生机的公园,变无用为有用,变陈旧为新象,变沉寂为生动。The design of Hongshan Lake Civil Park is in line with theurban development guidelines, “sponge city” concepts andecological and sustainable principles. Through the spacelayout combining rarefaction and density and the landscapedesign with rich levels, L&A Design created anecologically-based public activity park. Every Visitor canparticipate by visiting, experiencing and interacting withthe park. Taking advantage of the favorable geographicalposition and the good topographic condition, L&A Designtransformed the abandoned land into a park full of vitality.They turn uselessness into usefulness; the old into the new,and a silent scene into a vivid one.

项目名称:安顺西秀区虹山湖市民公园项目地点:贵州安顺项目类型:市政公园占地面积:149901㎡建筑面积:782㎡景观面积:149119㎡容积率:0.5%绿化率:78.6%客户名称:安顺市西秀区城镇投资发展有限公司景观设计:奥雅设计 北京公司 项目五组建筑设计:奥雅设计 北京公司项目五组景观施工:四川鼎恒工程有限公司设计时间:2017竣工时间:2018.9采写:奥雅设计 北京公司项目五组编辑:YukiHaipe i摄影:日野、林涛 Project name: Anshun XixiuHongshan lake civil parkProject location: Anshun,Guizhou provinceProject type: municipalparkArea:149901㎡Building area:782㎡Landscapearea: 149,119 ㎡Volume ratio:0.5%Greeningrate: 78.6%Client name: Anshun Xixiu towninvestment development co., LTDLandscape design: L&ADesign Beijing project group 5Architectural design: L&ADesign Beijing project group 5Landscape construction: SichuanDingheng engineering co., LTDDesign year:2017Completionyear: September, 2018Writer: L&A Design Beijingcompany project group 5Editor: YukiHaipeiPhotographer: hinolintao

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Published on 2023/09/03
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