Check Out the Colorful & Social Workplace of Combiwerk Delft / i29 interior architects
Check Out the Colorful & Social Workplace of Combiwerk Delft
Check Out the Colorful & Social Workplace of Combiwerk Delft / i29 interior architects
Project Year
Site Area
4000 m²
Text description provided by the architects

社会化工作场所必须是社会化的;这是所有相关方的出发点。因此,"社会参与 "是设计和实现各个层面的主题。在设计层面,我们的目标是通过打造严肃而独特的室内设计来增强能力。在可持续发展方面,我们尽可能实现回收和再利用。中庭的所有木椅都是买来的二手货,由 SW 公司的同事进行修复。A social workplace must be social; that was the point of departure for all the parties involved. Social involvement was therefore the main theme in the design and realization on various levels. At the level of the design, we aimed for empowerment by creating a serious and distinguished interior. In terms of sustainability, where possible, we aimed for recycling and re-use. All the wooden chairs in the atrium were bought second-hand and are restored by a colleague SW company.

此外,办公空间的家具,包括办公桌、椅子、橱柜和文件抽屉,都是买来的二手货,经过修复后按照新的色调定制的。Also the furniture for the office space, including desks, chairs, cabinets and filing drawers was bought secondhand, restored and customized to the new colourscheme.

Appreciations towards i29 interior architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/05/06
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