Inside Gummo’s Amsterdam Ad Agency Offices / i29 interior architects
Inside Gummo’s Amsterdam Ad Agency Offices
Inside Gummo’s Amsterdam Ad Agency Offices / i29 interior architects
Project Year
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

位于阿姆斯特丹的广告公司 Gummo 的办公室是我们在 Office Snapshots 上见过的最独特的办公室之一。该办公室由 i29 室内建筑师事务所设计,使用的全部是喷涂成深灰色的再利用家具。

Amsterdam-based ad agency Gummo has one of the more unique offices we’ve seen on Office Snapshots. Designed by i29 interior architects, the space uses all reused furniture which has been sprayed dark grey.

i29 在将概念想法转化为办公室方面并不陌生。最近,我们看到了他们在 Combiwerk Delft 工作区的作品。在此之前,我们已经看到了几乎全部用灰色毛毡覆盖的办公室,以及另一个用优雅的黑色和金色点缀的办公室。

i29 is no stranger to transforming conceptual ideas into office. Recently we were able to see their work on the Combiwerk Delft work areas. Previously we’ve seen an office covered almost entirely in grey felt, as well as another with elegant black and gold embellishments.

Gummo 的办公区建于 2009 年,是一个临时办公区,只使用了两年。因此,建筑师说服广告公司做一些既能彰显个性又不昂贵的设计。传统上,办公室项目的造价都很高,所以对于一个不会长期使用的空间来说,尽量降低成本是个好主意。另一个临时空间的例子是来自 Mode:lina 的办公室。

Gummo’s space was built in 2009 as a temporary space – only to be used for two years. As such, the architects convinced the ad agency to do something that would both make a big statement as well as not be expensive. Traditionally, office projects can cost big bucks, so trying to keep the costs down for a space that isn’t going to be used long is a good idea. Another example of a temporary space is this one from Mode:lina.


The office below uses furniture purchased locally from secondhand shops, online, and items left from their previous space. Once sprayed and placed into the office, everything is placed into position against a white background giving the space a very interesting contrasting look.

Appreciations towards i29 interior architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/08/14
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