Upgrading And Renovation Of Public Waterfront Space In Niujiaochong Village Huoshan County Anhui Province / FuYingBin Studio
Upgrading And Renovation Of Public Waterfront Space In Niujiaochong Village Huoshan County Anhui Province
Upgrading And Renovation Of Public Waterfront Space In Niujiaochong Village Huoshan County Anhui Province / FuYingBin Studio
FuYingBin Studio

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项目背景 |Background

牛角冲村位于安徽霍山县城郊,背靠大别山,处于霍山县南岳山景区大环线之上的一处重要节点。作为大景区环线上的重要村庄节点,牛角冲村既有自身环境改造提升的诉求,同时作为旅游通道上的重要节点也亟待提升。Located at the suburb of Huoshan County, AnhuiProvince and rested against Dabie Mountain,Niujiaochong Village is a site of great importancein the grand circle of the Nanyue Mountain scenicspot. Because of its important location, it needsboth environmental upgrading and development as animportant junction point.


With a river running across the Niujiaochong Village,the villagers have built their homes along the riverbanks, including dwellings, vegetable fields andbamboo forest. Many daily scenes can be seen alongthe river. For example, there you can see residentswashing clothes and vegetables every day. However,the river course leaves much to be desired due tothe perennial lack of governance and maintenance.The upper and lower reaches of the river course aresilted because of overrunning weeds and accumulatedsediments. And it’s quite primitive and inconvenientto wash clothes in the river. Based on the rivercourse and from the perspective of public space,therefore, this project reexamines the waterfrontspace to reconstruct the traditional spatialnarrative of rural life adjacent to water andreproduce the vitality of rural public spaceaccording to the current rural life.

方案设计 | Schemeand Design

方案在在河道上下游设置了两处洗衣和休憩埠头,将河边洗衣这一带有社交属性的日常劳动与公共空间结合,使乡村空间重焕生机。在整个构筑物系统中使用了统一的形式,材料上采用了标准化的钢材以及常见的乡村材料,降低建造难度的同时具有推广和示范效应。Two quays for laundry and relaxation are designed inthe upper reaches and the lower reaches, whichcombines laundry, a daily activity and a form ofsocial communication, with public spaces, andrefreshes the rural spaces. The design adopts anintegrated language and form, using standard steelsand other materials common in rural areas. By doingso, both the difficulty of construction could bediminished, and the design could be accepted andfollowed.

上游埠头|The Upper Quay

上游埠头原本是一处桥边的下河台阶,台阶直接与车行道相连接,存在一定交通危险,河道长满杂草,淤积严重。改造过程中将桥与洗衣埠头整体考虑,原下河台阶做了方向上的调整,在桥头的入口处形成可以坐下聊天的休闲空间,下河台阶的巨大屋檐为下方的洗衣空间提供遮蔽,河道中通过两道拦水墙形成一处水池,上下各有水口,村民既可以在池中漂洗大件衣物也可以在流速较快的水口处冲刷。The upper quay used to be steps down the river nextto the bridge, where there is a certain traffic riskbecause of the direct connection between steps andlanes, and the river course is filled withoverrunning weeds and accumulated sediments. In thetransformation process, the bridge and the laundryquay are considered as a whole. The direction oforiginal steps has been adjusted to form a leisurespace where people can chat at the entrance of thebridge. The huge eaves of the steps then shelter thelaundry space below. In the river course, a pool isformed by two retaining walls, with outlets at boththe top and bottom, so villagers can rinse largeclothing in the pool or at the outlets where waterflows quickly.

下游埠头 | TheLower Quay

下游埠头原本是一处已经废弃的过水路面,我们与河道平行架设了一处风雨廊,风雨廊一端连接村庄道路,一端连接滨水栈道,中间开口连接下河平台,风雨廊像一艘小船停泊在河岸,人在廊中行走,河道如画卷般徐徐展开,临水一侧的屋檐做了深远的出挑和压低,使视线框定在河道水面之上。廊子内部相对的暗与静跟河道的亮与动形成强烈的对比。The lower quay used to be a deserted water splash, sowe design a weather corridor parallel to the riverside. One end of the corridor connects with the roadto the village, and the other connects with thewaterfront plank road. An entrance to the downstreamplatform is set in the middle of the corridor. Theweather corridor is thus like a boat floating abovethe river, and it looks like a painting scroll whenpeople walk along the river course. The eaves on theside facing the water are deeply overhung andlowered so that people’s sight is limited to thesurface of the water. And the relative darkness andquietness inside the corridor are in an interestingcontrast to the lightness and movement of the river.

河道中我们新建了三道拦水坝,将河道水位抬高,河中放置数块巨石作为过河汀步,每个拦水坝上设置出水口方便村民洗涮衣物。拦水坝形成上中下三个水面,划分成三个洗涮区域,根据水的清洁程度来区分使用场景:上游水面洗衣,中间水面洗菜,下游水面多为洗涮拖布等。河道对面的几颗大树下,作为对景我们设置了一处树下的休憩平台,村民日常可以坐下聊天或者打牌,水岸洗衣也成了他们俯瞰观赏的景象。In the river course, we have built three newretaining dams to raise the water level to a certainheight, and several boulders are placed in the riveras stepping stones to cross the river. Eachretaining dam has a water outlet to facilitate thevillagers to wash clothes. The three levels in thecourse of the dam form three washing areas,including the upstream, midstream and downstream.The upstream area is used for laundry, the midstreamfor washing vegetables, and the downstream mainlyfor washing mops, each being distinguished accordingto the cleanliness of the water. Also, we set up arest platform under the trees opposite the river asa backdrop, which is an excellent place forvillagers to rest, chat and play cards every day,and from which they can also see the whole waterarea.

滨水栈道 |Waterfront Plank Road

现状河道的自然驳岸是最好的乡村景色,在最小干预的原则下简单梳理,我们布置了一条滨水栈道,使所有的节点相互串联,也为村民日常耕种和进山提供了便利。步道一部分位于水边水草之中,一部分位于水边山坡竹林之上。整个步道与水的关系亲切自然,为游客提供了一条体验乡村水边生活的路径。The original revetments on both sides of the currentriver are the best rural scenery. Through simplereviews, we have set a waterfront plank roadconnecting all the junction points, which alsoprovides convenience for the villagers to farm andenter the mountain. One part of the trail is locatedat the waterside and among the water plants, whilethe other part lies at the hillside and above thebamboo forest. The relationship between the footpathand water is cordial and natural, providing a scenicroute for tourists to experience the ruralwaterfront scenery.

村委广场 | VillageCommittee Square

在现有村委广场的基础上依托现状大树进行了局部改造,增设了秋千廊架,为村民日常的活动与休憩提供了一处舒适的空间。Taking into account the trees in the existing VillageCommittee Square, the partial reconstruction of thesquare is carried out and a porch is newly built,which provides a comfortable space for villagers’daily activities and rest.

影响 | Impact ofthe Project

项目完成后滨水的洗衣埠头的受欢迎程度出乎意料,每天清晨从七点到十点成为这里最为热闹的时段,村民聚集在此洗衣聊天,埠头不仅是一处洗衣的功能设施,还成为了小村庄的信息中心与社交场所,家长里短大事小情在此汇集,每当下雨村民就近在风雨廊休息。项目通对乡村日常生活场景的活化和提升,使原本衰落的乡村公共空间以崭新的形式依托河水得以复兴,重塑了乡村以水为邻的生活画卷。When the project is complete, the popularity of thewaterfront laundry quay is unexpected. Every dayfrom 7:00 am to 10:00 am, it is the liveliest timewhen the villagers gather together and wash clothesand chat. Now the quay is not only a functionalfacility for washing clothes, but an informationcenter and social arena, where people in the smallvillage chat and gossip. And when it rains, thevillagers could rest in the weather corridor nearby.In short, with the activation and improvement of thescene of daily rural life, the project has revivedthe originally declining rural public space with thehelp of the river, and reshaped the landscape ofrural life adjacent to water.









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Published on 2023/03/14
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