The Design Of A Temple For The God Of Wealth At Sun Township / FuYingBin Studio
The Design Of A Temple For The God Of Wealth At Sun Township
The Design Of A Temple For The God Of Wealth At Sun Township / FuYingBin Studio
FuYingBin Studio

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太阳乡位于霍山县安徽大别山深处主峰白马尖的核心景区,为了服务旅游,政府原本委托我们设计的此处的广场和停车场,场地已经平整完毕只剩下此处财神庙待拆除,这类民间庙宇在当地乡间并不少见,因此拆除这样一处小庙也并未引起大家注意,现场调研时候我们发现这个小庙并不普通,这座庙已有近两百年历史,多次被毁和重建,庙虽不大却是当地村民的信仰中心,我们说服了甲方能在附近重建此庙,延续民间信仰的同时也能为游客提供一处有趣的互动设施。这处财神庙成了一个我们主动提出的设计之外的任务,我们希望通过这一处微小设施的设计,为淳朴的民间信仰提供一处精神承载空间,和有尊严的乡间信仰活动场所。Sun Township is located in the heart of the scenicarea of Dabie mountain in Huoshan county, AnhuiProvince. To support travel industry, the localgovernment had commissioned our team to design asquare and a parking lot here, when the fieldengineering was almost finished, that only a smalltemple had not been tear down completely yet. Such asmall temple for the God of Wealth is quite commonin surrounding rural area, therefore the decisionmade to remove it had not cause attention at first.However, as the site investigation going deep, wefound this temple special. It was nearly two hundredyears-old, destroyed and rebuilt many times throughhistory. Tiny as it was, the temple was a spiritualcenter of local villagers for centuries. We thenconvinced the client to rebuild this temple nearby,to continue local traditional beliefs as well asprovide visitors an interesting interactivefacility. In this way this temple became aself-proposed design task beyond the initialcommission brief. We hope that through the design ofthis tiny facility, we can provide spiritual spacefor unsophisticated folk beliefs, and a dignifiedplace for rural religious activities.

新址被确定在在距离原址几十米处的一处山坳,三面背山,面朝广场,环境独立而幽静。新的财神庙不仅是一处信仰的精神场所,同时也需要服务游客和其他人士,增加其公共性和互动性是首先需要解决的问题。此类民间村庙通常是三面围合,空间狭窄闭塞,我们试图改变原有村庙内收的空间形态,引入“亭”做法,将外部打开,除了神龛必要的背景墙以外,改为四面通透,四周屋檐舒展挑出,创造出一个舒适而通透的檐下空间,以公共和开放的姿态展现在村民眼前。The new site had been arranged in a ravine which istens of meters away from the original site, backingmountains in three sides, facing the square,enjoying independent and peaceful environment. Thenew temple should not only act as a sacred place offolk beliefs, but also serve tourists andnon-believers. The first problem to be solved is howto increase its publicity and interactivity. Suchfolk village temples used to be enclosed on threesides, ended up with narrow space. Considering theabove, our design team tried to change the adducentspatial form of the former village temple, byintroducing the form of a “pavilion”, opening theexternal. Expect the necessary background wall forthe shrine, we released and opened the space all theway around, with the roof stretching out soothingly,to create a comfortable space of contemplation,showing an sharing and open image toward thevillagers.

乡村营造往往收到技术和材料的限制,传统材料虽然看起来似乎符合某些审美和价值观,但由于造价和工人的匮乏未必是最好的选择,我们选择了最容易控制的混凝土浇筑建筑整体框架,邀请当地篾匠手编了竹席作为模板内衬,使混凝土有了竹席的肌理,原本冰冷现代的混凝土材料上留下了手艺的温度。墙体采用了红色空心砖,这种材料通常作为墙体填充砌块,一般不会展现在建筑最终的外饰面上,我们通过简单的角度转换,用空心砖直接砌筑墙体,砖的孔洞形成了一种纯粹的墙面肌理,后面的景物通过砖孔若隐若现,模糊了空间的边界。屋顶的方形开口增加了庙的宗教氛围,顶光每天会根据时间移动,并在特殊时间照到神像之上。Rural construction often faced the limitation oftechnology and materials. Although traditionalmaterial seems to meet certain aesthetics andvalues, its high cost and the shortage of skilledworkers made it not the best choice. Therefore, wechose the most controllable in-situ concrete toconstruct the overall frame of the new temple, whileinviting local bamboo craftsman to knit handmadebamboo woven mats as the lining of the constructionmolds, which gave the concrete a texture of bamboomats. In this way we add to the cold modernmaterial, concrete, the temperature of traditionalcraftmanship. For the walls of the rebuilt temple weapplied red brick, which used to be filling blocksrather than presenting at the final exteriors. Wetransformed the usage of this common material bysimply change their direction, directly used hollowbricks to structure the masonry wall. The brickholes formed an unalloyed texture, making thescenery behind partly hidden and partly visible,blurring the boundary of the space. The square-shapeopening of the roof adds to the religious atmosphereof the temple. The light ray dropping from the topmoves slowly through daytime and illumine the statueat specific moment.

竹席模板由村里篾匠在编织而成,Concrete with bamboo mattexture, which weavedby local craftsman在中国南方地区,水是财富的象征,许多民间建筑极为强调雨水在建筑中的作用,我们在处理屋顶排水的时候特意考虑了这一民间习俗,对雨水口做了特殊处理,借鉴了日本传统建筑中“雨链”这一设计,使雨水的排出成为一处生动有趣的景观,同时巧妙的隐喻了“财神庙”这一主题。In south China region, water is a symbol of wealth.Many native buildings strongly emphasizes the roleof rain in architecture. Thus in dealing with theroof drainage we especially considered this folkcustom, did special treatment for the drainagesystem.Also inspired by the “rain chains”in Japanesetraditional architecture, the design made rainwaterdischarge become a lively and interesting landscape,and a clever metaphor of “the God of Wealth”.

当地居民在财神庙祈福时候除了燃香,通常还要燃放爆竹,燃烧松枝和纸钱等习惯,政府考虑山林防火及环境污染希望我们在设计的时候能对村民习惯进行行为引导。村庙的空心砖墙成了新的祈福设施,人们把祈福语言写在红纸上以后卷起来插到墙上的空心砖孔里,随着时间的推移,墙上的砖孔会被红纸慢慢填满,建筑与使用者发生了紧密的联系并有了生长的过程,建筑本身与活动和信仰紧密的的结合在一起。敲钟是中国宗教场所中参与者非常喜爱的一种互动方式,场地下方我们设计了一处挂钟,人们从庙下来以后可以敲钟祈福,敲钟与填满红纸的祈福墙成了财神庙祈福的新活动,受到居民和游客的欢迎。When praying at the temple, local residents not onlyburn incense, but also set off firecrackers, pinebranches and paper money, etc. The governmentconcerned the risk of mountain forest fire andenvironmental pollution, raised that if we couldguide the behavior of villagers throughdesign.The hollow brick wall of the templebecame a new type of blessing facility, where peoplecan roll up the red paper written with blessingwords then put them into the hollow holes in thewall. With the passage of time, the brick wall holesslowly become filled up with red paper, connectingthe construction with its users, and creating aprocess of growth. In this way, the building itselfand the belief activities closely unifiestogether.Bell ringing is a very popularactivity among the participants of religious affairsin China. Below the site, we designed a big bell.Thus people can ring for blessing after coming downfrom the temple. The ringing bell and the blessingwall become new hot spot of the temple for the Godof Wealth, popular among both local residents andvisitors.

这座本来非设计委托的“意外”项目建成后也取得了“意外”的效果,新建的财神庙保留和延续的村民的信仰中心,不仅继续成为村民祈福求财乡建信仰场所,更成为访客与村民交流互动空间,有了另外唯独的公共属性。新庙的外观的建造形式和新的祈福方式也刷新了居民对此类设施的认知,成为一处备受访客“瞩目”和“议论”的焦点,为民间信仰注入新的活力。After the completion of this accidental project,which was not originally commissioned by the client,it also achieved unexpected effects. The new templeof wealth retained and continued the belief centerof villagers, which not only continue to be a placefor villagers to pray for wealth and luck, but alsobecame an interaction place for visitors andvillagers to communicate with each other, achievingunique public attributes. The appearance of the newtemple and the new way of blessing also refreshedthe residents’ understanding of these facilities,becoming a focus of attention and discussion byvisitors, infusing new vitality to folk beliefs.








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Published on 2023/05/28
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