Yolechang2020 Market / UAO
Yolechang2020 Market
Yolechang2020 Market / UAO

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2020年初,一场突如其来的疫情导致了武汉的封城,经过武汉人民的抗疫坚守,全国人民的鼎力支持,几个月后,武汉重启开放,一切慢慢走向正常。9月,好友米阳文找到我,希望能免费帮忙设计一个临时市集“游乐敞2020”,目的是通过这个公益设计活动,实践老街区复兴计划,同时提振复工复产信心;我爽快地答应,因为在封城那段时间,我也想到疫情结束后,利用自己设计的力量做些公益的设计,帮助武汉,回报社会。At the beginning of 2020, a sudden epidemic resultedin the closure of Wuhan. After the people of Wuhanpersisted in fighting the epidemic and the strongsupport of the people of the whole country, a fewmonths later, Wuhan reopened and everything slowlywent to normal. In September, my friend Mi Yangwenapproached me, hoping me to help design a temporarymarket “Yolechang2020” for free. The purpose is toimplement the revitalization plan of the oldneighborhood through this public welfare designactivity, and at the same time boost confidence inresuming work and production. I readily agreed,because during the lockdown period, I also thoughtabout using my own design power to do some charitydesign after the epidemic to help Wuhan and giveback to the society.

临时市集的选址就在我们设计的百年历史建筑集群的“平和坊”中心广场上。这是一个绝佳的场地,历史建筑扎堆:场地南侧是有115年历史的平和打包厂旧址;北侧是127年历史的东正教堂;东侧是107年历史的鲁兹故居;中心广场正下方是长江第一条过江公路隧道,广场南侧耸立的古典式钟塔其实是长江隧道的通风竖井。这个场地上较新的建筑,在修建隧道的2004-2008年业已拆除,隧道正上方已经不被允许再新建建筑物;作为一个城市交通设施的地上配套空间,它是消极和封闭的,且不被公众频繁使用;我们最初的景观设计方案,是想打造一个有围合廊架的中心广场,希望通过廊架来串联场地不同年代的不同建筑,利用廊架来创造停留;这个景观方案最终并没有实现,只保留了中心硬质广场,周边不同区域采取了不同的设计策略来营造小环境,比如台阶式绿地等。中心这个空旷的广场,为后来复合空间的多功能利用预留了可能性。The location of the temporary market is located onthe central square of “Pinghefang” in thecentury-old historical building cluster , which wasdesigned by us. This is an excellent site wherehistorical buildings gather together: the115-year-old Pinghe Packing Factory site is on thesouth side; the 127-year-old Orthodox Church is onthe north; the 107-year-old Lutz’s house is on theeast; The first highway tunnel across the YangtzeRiver is right below the central square. Theclassical clock tower on the south side of thesquare is actually the ventilation shaft of theYangtze River tunnel.The relatively new buildings onthis site have been demolished during theconstruction of the tunnel in 2004-2008, and newbuildings directly above the tunnel are no longerallowed; as an above-ground supporting space forurban transportation facilities, it is passive andclosed, and not frequently used by the public; ourinitial landscape design plan was to create acentral square with enclosed corridors, hoping toconnect different buildings of different ages on thesite through the corridors, and use the corridors tocreate stays; this landscape plan eventually was notrealized, only the central hard plaza was retained,and different design strategies were adopted tocreate a small environment in different surroundingareas, such as stepped green spaces. The emptysquare in the center reserved the possibility forthe multi-functional use of the composite spacelater.

广场南侧平和打包厂前身是位于汉口英租界的一处工业建筑,功能为棉花打包仓库,为英国商人利德尔兄弟在1905年建设;两年前我们设计平和打包厂的室内公共空间的时候,也希望增加这个区域的公共性;甲方希望把这个工业建筑转换成为一个文创办公的功能,我们利用新植入的现代材料“钢板”刷黑,包裹住关键的新建的公共空间墙面,保留老建筑自身的建材和肌理,形成了新旧材料在同一时空的并置。这一“并置”顺理成章地延续到了这次市集的设计上来。在周边三大百年以上的古建筑围合的广场上,我们需要什么样的市集呢?我首先想到的是“时代感”,越是现代的,越能与周边的古典氛围产生强烈的对比。用现代的构件和古典的建筑对比并置,增加场地的吸引力,从而达到更加开放和多功能复合使用的公共性。The predecessor of the Pinghe Packing Factory on thesouth side of the square was an industrial buildinglocated in the English Concession of Hankou. Itfunctions as a cotton packing warehouse and wasbuilt by the British businessman Liddell brothers in1905; when we designed the indoor public space ofthe Pinghe Packing Factory two years ago, It alsohopes to increase the publicity of this area; PartyA hopes to convert this industrial building into acultural and creative office function. We use thenewly implanted modern material “steel plate” toblacken it to wrap the walls of key new publicspaces. The building materials and texture of theold building are retained, forming a juxtapositionof old and new materials in the same time and space.This “juxtaposition” logically continued to thedesign of this market. What kind of market do weneed on the surrounding square surrounded by threehundred-year-old ancient buildings? The first thingI think of is the “sense of the times”. The moremodern, the stronger the contrast with thesurrounding classical atmosphere. The juxtapositionof modern components and classical buildings incontrast increases the attractiveness of the site,thereby achieving a more open and multi-functionalpublicity.

市集的平面布局采用三纵三横的模式,纵条是商铺,横条是功能性连接模块:出入口、联系廊道、以及舞台VIP雨棚;商铺围合的内街尺度是4-6米,通过4米或6米高的“孔明灯”加强了内街的尺度。The layout of the market adopts a three-vertical andthree-horizon pattern. The vertical bars are shops,and the horizontal bars are functional connectionmodules: entrances and exits, connection corridors,and stage VIP canopies; the inner street enclosed bythe shops is 4-6 meters in size , The scale of theinner street is strengthened by the 4m or 6m high“Kongming Lantern”.

在搭建材料的选择上,考虑到室外耐久性、以及武汉多雨的现实条件,首先排除了常规的木结构搭建一个个商位的做法;“游乐敞2020”市集延续时间比一般市集相对较长,从9月19号开幕,一直到10月1日国庆节的三个周末,所以它必须稳固,防盗,防雨;中间不开市集的工作日,不需要搬来搬去收到仓库里去。而三周之后,搭建的市集就被解散,考虑到这种“临时性”,我决定用脚手架这种工地材料来实现市集的搭建。脚手架租金便宜,搭建容易,现场三个熟练工人八个小时就搭建完了所有的结构;我们设计2X2X2米的单元模块,作为每一个商铺单元;局部有4米和6米的高塔,利用半透明的网格布形成引入注目的高处漂浮盒子,这些盒子被工人形象地称之为“孔明灯”。我在乎的是它的透明质感带来的漂浮感,一如UAO在红坊ADC展厅里设计的漂浮感红盒子。In the selection of construction materials, takinginto account the outdoor durability and the rainyconditions in Wuhan, the practice of buildingindividual shops with conventional wooden structureswas first ruled out; the “Yolechang2020” marketlasts relatively longer than ordinary markets , Fromthe opening on September 19 to the three weekends ofthe National Day on October 1, so it must be stable,anti-theft, and rain-proof; and no need to movearound on working days when there is no market inthe middle. After three weeks, the market wasdisbanded. Considering this “temporary nature”, Idecided to use scaffolding as a construction sitematerial to build the market.Scaffolding is cheap torent and easy to build. Three skilled workers onsite completed all the structures in eight hours; wedesigned 2X2X2 meter unit modules as each shop unit;there are 4 meters and 6 meters high towers locally,using Translucent grid cloth form eye-catchingfloating boxes at high altitudes, which are vividlycalled “Kongming lanterns” by the workers. What Icare about is the floating feeling brought by itstransparent texture, just like the floating red boxdesigned by UAO in the Hongfang ADC showroom.

考虑到实际搭建的方便,减少加工次数,在搭建过程中,将原本各单元内单独的顶部雨篷布,修改整合为整体覆盖一纵长条的顶部的一条长雨篷布;雨篷布与脚手架钢管的固定采用同材质布条绑扎的模式,其原因一是方便,二是体现雨篷布这种材质的张力特性。雨篷布采用蓝色,顶部的“孔明灯”和脚手架钢管喷漆则是橙色,两种对比色系具有强烈的视觉吸引力;而主题霓虹灯则采用粉色,以突出LOGO。顶部照明则采用家庭常用铝合金吊顶龙骨,刚好容纳一根常见的日光灯管;LED灯带则采用不间断“几”字形环绕模式,也是在现场应急想出来减少工人工作量,快速施工,减少灯带接头的好办法。Taking into account the convenience of actualconstruction and reducing the number of processing,during the construction process, the original toprain tarpaulin in each unit was modified andintegrated into a long rain tarpaulin covering thetop of a longitudinal strip as a whole; Thescaffolding steel pipes are fixed with the samematerial cloth strip tying mode, the reason is thatit is convenient, and the second is that it reflectsthe tension characteristics of the material of therain tarpaulin.The rain tarpaulin is made of blue,and the top “kongming lantern” and the scaffoldingsteel pipe spray paint are orange. The twocontrasting colors have a strong visual appeal; andthe theme neon light is pink to highlight theLOGO.The top lighting adopts the aluminum alloyceiling keel commonly used in households, which justaccommodates a common fluorescent tube; the LEDlight strip adopts the uninterrupted “几” shapesurround mode, which is also an emergency good wayon the spot to reduce the workload of workers, andrapid the construction, and reduce lights withjoints.

街头美术馆连续三周展出了不同主题的艺术小展。用主办方的宣传话语讲:这是武汉版的“蛇形画廊”,它虽然小,但却体现出市集的初心:公益,为提振复工复产信心在行动。The Street Art Museum has exhibited small artexhibitions on different themes for threeconsecutive weeks. In the propaganda words of theorganizer, this is the Wuhan version of the “SnakeGallery”. Although it is small, it reflects theoriginal intention of the market: public welfare,which is acting to boost confidence in resuming workand production.









Appreciations towards UAO for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/09
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