Aranya Sanya Residential China By Wtd Design / WTD
Aranya Sanya Residential China By Wtd Design
Aranya Sanya Residential China By Wtd Design / WTD

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三亚的山处于两山之谷间,曲径通幽,这里看不见浩瀚的大海,是雄浑硬朗的山峦包裹之下的一片寂静内向之地。和外界有天然的隔绝感,身处其中人很容易安静下来。因为是个山谷,它形成了自己独有的清幽舒爽的微环境,比起海边闷热潮湿的环境,体感上要舒适很多。白瓦红顶的地中海式建筑,映衬在澄澈的蓝天之下,烘托出宁静的氛围。建筑呈环状分布,一条车行道贯穿场地。Located between two valleys and enveloped byspectacular mountains, Aranya · Sanya is a secludedplace away from the vast sea, where people will feelit easy to calm down when isolated from the outsideworld. Besides, the ideal location allows it to haveits unique micro-environment, making it cool andcomfortable compared with the sultry and humid airat the seaside. Set off against the clear blue sky,the Mediterranean-style architecture with whitetiles and red roofs creates a peaceful atmosphere.Buildings are arranged in a loop, with a drivewayrunning through the site.
在阿那亚yhotel的设计中,景观以异域风情的沙生植物群、苍劲而极富生命力的白千层,在自然光影之下共同演绎出与印象中的三亚截然不同的静谧诧寂空间氛围。y·hotel所在的三亚的山(北区)作为组团核心住宅区,将继续以安静、自然、精致为基调,以克制的语言把原本侘寂的空间做到极致,把有限的庭院空间做成生活的容器,创造一个清幽舒爽的精神角落。In the design of Aranya YHotel,exoticpsammophytes and vigorous cajeputs areemployed to create a surprising quiet atmospherethat is quite different from people’s impression onSanya. As the central residential area, the northarea of Aranya where Y Hotel is located, is designedwith the principles of “wabi-sabi”, turning thelimited courtyard space into a container for lifeand creating a quiet and comfortable corner forsouls.
阿那亚三亚的山建筑主色调为白色,与三亚清透的蓝天一起谱写出纯净的场地气质。因此在这个项目中,硬质的景观元素被完全的弱化,我们希望让柔软而具生命力的植物成为景观的主角,把我们更多的思考放在植物的排布和细节的点缀上,通过植物对建筑将进行点缀与修饰,协调硬质与软质的过渡。植物是自然散落的,并且有足够的留白,在不经意间流露出空间的简约诧寂之美。Buildings in AranyaSanya aredesignedmainly in white, whichcreate anelegant atmosphere together with the clear blue skyof Sanya. Since we hope to make soft and vigorousplants the protagonists of the landscape, hardlandscape elements are completely weakened. Instead,we focus more on the arrangement and details ofvegetation, trying to decorate and soften thesculptural buildings. Plants are randomly scatteredand also there is enough negative space, presentingthe beauty of imperfection and impermanence.
沙生植物作为主角将持续在空间演绎。设计将每一帧景观画面都犹如浓郁的油画般舒展开,色彩饱和度低、呈灰蓝色系的沙生植物群组合起来,毛茸茸的灰蓝和灰绿的色块交错,形成犹如油画般的丝滑质地。入口处沙生植物组团呼应着象腿树得婆娑,进入巷道,高大的白墙掩映着鹤望兰,春羽等大叶片植物,为三亚的炎热增加一抹清凉。植物从品种、色彩、层次、质地上均精斟细琢,形成一种全新的景观体验。Psammophytes as the protagonists continue to presentthemselvesin the space, looking like a livelyoil painting in grayish blue and green unfolding infront of you. Psammophyte clusters at the entranceecho the graceful Moringa drouhardii Jum; along thepath Strelitzia Reginae Aiton and Lacy treephilodendron stand against the white wall, makingthe space pleasantly cool. Plants vary from varietyto color, from height to shape, creating acompletely new landscape experience.
两个入口的设计均采用左右两侧不对称的简约白墙夹合出独立边界,以此进行内外空间的转换。景观尝试寻着与建筑的关系,在大叶片的沙生植物掩映之中,白墙犹如从建筑延伸而来,与白色的建筑群相得益彰,融为一体。穿过夹道的雨树,在酷热的天气中即可感受到一抹清凉。。高大的象腿树、低矮的灌木丛、散落的沙生植物错落分布在入口两侧,让人们拥有仿佛身处山间的感受。Both entrances are designed with asymmetric whitewalls, which help to shape independent borders andconnect the indoor and outdoor spaces. The landscapetries to dialogue with the buildings. In the shelterof broad-leaved psammophytes, the white walls seemto extend from the buildingand become part ofthe building group. Walking through the rain treesalongthe path, you can feel a touch ofcoolness in the hot weather. Tall Moringa drouhardiiJum, low bushes and vigorous psammophytes arescattered on both sides of the entrance, makingpeople feel as if they werein the mountains.
返璞归真的材料,也为场地增添精致气质。我们将与空间气质相匹配的、具有肌理与质感的自然材质运用进来,真实体现材料本身的纹理和形态,甚至保留材料本身的不完美,最大限度得保留空间本身的质感,吻合“侘寂”的本真、残破之美。木头纹理的桌椅、纹理粗糙的墙壁、造型随意的陶罐、藤条编织的遮阳廊架,一些具有岁月沉淀的物被引入进来。每当阳光照进庭院,镂空的藤架梳理着一缕缕柔和的阳光,沙生植物投影在白色墙面上,花钵瓦罐诉说着沧桑的故事,人们能在时间维度和场地空间产生细腻的对话。Natural materials also help to make the space elegantand pleasant. To keep the “wabi-sabi”style ofthe space, we employed natural materials and kepttheir original textures and forms, celebrating thebeauty of imperfection. Wooden table and chairs,rough wall, randomly-shaped pottery pot, andrattan-woven pergola remind people of the old days.When the sun shines into the courtyardthroughthe pergola, psammophytes cast shadows onthewhite wall, and flowerpots and pottery pottell stories about the past, allowing people to havea dialogue with time and space as well.
建筑之间排布紧密,由此生成许多狭长而高低错落的巷道及院落空间。原本的高差被转化为精致的通廊空间和台地小景,形成了诸多散布的庭院公共空间,小而精致。宅间植物从地中海得托斯卡纳风到沙生侘寂风,再到热带雨林风,最后表现出多种植物在其中的统一。点景的古桩鸡蛋花,又平添几分岁月的沧桑,丰富空间趣味体验和观景体验。The buildings are closely arranged, creatingavariety of long and narrow lanes and courtyardspaces. The original height difference istransformed into exquisite corridor space andterrace landscape, forming a lot of scattered publicspaces, small butdelicate. Plants growingamong buildings range from MediterraneanTuscanstyle, wabi-sabistyle to tropicalstyle, showingthe beauty of diversity.Eye-catching frangipani plants present the ebb andflow of the space, and enrich the landscapeexperience.
我们注重每一处细节的营造。灯光氛围的营造以柔和如薄雾泛起的光晕一般,给人温馨的感受。台阶的处理,以自然柔和的方式取代尖锐的棱角,避免人行走时受到伤害。我们以细腻的方式处理景观,力求尊重不同人生阶段的不同需求,细致入微的考虑人在其中的感受。We paidattention to every detail, creating awarm atmosphere with soft and romantic light. Edgesof the steps are softened to avoid potential risk topeople. With respect for different requirements, wecarefully considered the feelings of people livingin the space and created thelandscape in aconsiderateway.
三亚的山传递的不是碧海蓝天的传统浪漫,而是一种自然、安静的人生态度。在三亚营造一个清新美好的独立世界,既能享受三亚的自然禀赋,也能把三亚的喧哗屏蔽在外。用艺术并理想性的审美,创建出一种能表达三亚阿那亚生命美学的氛围。What Aranya · Sanyaconveys is not the romanceof blue sea and sky, but a natural and quietattitude towards life. We create a beautiful andunique world in Sanya, which not only allows peopleto enjoy the natural resources but also blocks outthe hustle and bustle of city life. The combinationof art and ideal creates an atmosphere that tellsthe beauty of Aranya.
设计团队:李卉 张黎 赵冬舸 唐志杨 张盼 熊颖 黄满玉 王玉彤 梁雅雯 李理 李玥 张一雷 刘思雨 丁怡然 张书桢 李苗 王利如 庞虹宇於文鑫 宋照兵 胡小梅

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Published on 2023/08/25
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