Les Fontaines Des Champs Elysees / Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
Les Fontaines Des Champs Elysees
Les Fontaines Des Champs Elysees / Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

香榭丽舍大道与众不同、受人爱戴,汇聚着喜悦与悲伤,设计师希望在此设计一组了不起的、科技与美学兼具的喷泉景观,为人们创造独特的风景。For the new fountains of the Rond-Point desChamps-Élysées, we wanted to offer this exceptionaland popular site, which articulates joys andsorrows, a highly ambitious technical and aestheticcreation intended for everyone.

设计师让喷泉融入城市景观,以巧妙的方式凸显了协和广场和星光广场之间的景色,精心标记出从宁静的花园通向喧嚣的香榭丽舍大街的路径,使历史环境和现代艺术品保持协调。这组喷泉伫立在六个水池中,与场地采用相同的对称布局,彼此的水和光交相辉映。喷泉的主要结构是一根高13m的青铜桅杆,支撑着悬挂其上的一串串水晶灯柱,水从中灯柱中喷涌流下。Our aim was to blend into the urban landscape, tohighlight as delicately as possible the view betweenPlace de la Concorde and Place de l’ Etoile, and tosubtly mark the passage from the peace and quiet ofthe gardens to the bustle of the Avenue desChamps-Elysées. We sought to find the right balancebetween this unique historical setting and a modernoffering.These fountains, erected in sixbasins, interweave water, light and movement andrestore the symmetry of the site. Each structureconsists of a 13m-high central mast in bronze, whichsupports a series of crystal light hangings throughwhich the water flows and falls.

喷泉伴随着行人和车辆的移动缓慢旋转,仿佛是环境谱写出的芭蕾。水晶灯柱具有反射效果,持续的旋转更使得喷泉闪闪发光,提供了不断变幻的风景。The fountains revolve slowly to accompany passers-byand the movement of traffic. Their ballet mirrorsthe natural choreography of the setting. Thisrotation, in addition to the mirror-like effects ofthe crystals, produces a continuous shimmer andprovides an ever-changing perspective.

一串串水晶灯柱映射出光线、季节、天空、树木和汽车前灯的变化。当夜幕降临,喷泉在空中点亮,像奇迹般的馈赠,给经过的人们带来惊喜。伴随着音乐,水的舞动让人更加愉悦。The chains of crystal reflect the variations in thelight, the seasons, the skies, the trees and theheadlights of cars. At nightfall, the fountainslight up to evoke a luminous, aerial display. Like amarvel presented to passers-by, their aim is tocreate feelings of surprise and joy. These feelingsare also enhanced by the play of water, itsmusicality and cheerfulness.

不论是工人、工程师、工作室人员还是技术人员,所有人都积极参与、无私奉献,共同完成了这件杰出的艺术品。集体的智慧凝聚起来,解决了复杂的技术难题。项目的核心在于耐久性,既需要保证装配的严密稳固,又需要满足维护的简单可行。喷泉的骨架采用了青铜和铝合金以抵抗极端条件。水晶灯柱为照明量身打造,通过独特的方法进行组装,可以抵抗风雨,适应变化的室外环境。From the workers to the engineers, from our workshopstaff to the technicians, the passionate energy andgenerosity of all those involved has contributed toproducing this outstanding piece of work. Agenuinely collective intelligence gradually tookshape to meet the technical complexity of thisundertaking. Durability, a rigorous assembly andease of maintenance were at the heart of thisengineering feat. The fountain structure was builtusing a bronze and aluminium alloy designed toresist extreme conditions. Crystal and light havebeen combined in a tailor-made lighting feature.This crystal, which was specially designed for theproject and boasts a unique, patented and assemblymethod, is weather-proof and capable of resistingenvironmental changes.

共有250多个工作人员参与了喷泉的设计和建造,技术的难度甚至可以媲美最复杂的钟表或航空零件。在三年的过程中,项目组共制作了约五十个模型,其中五个符合实际尺寸,并在不同环节中调整了装置的技术细节和造型效果。参与其中的四十个事务所和公司共享了专业知识和前沿技术,使得这个非凡的项目得以顺利完成。More than 250 people participated in the design andbuilding of these fountains to produce technologicalwonders on a par with the most complex aeronauticworks or timepieces. Over the course of three years,around fifty models, including five in real-size,and as many development steps were required toadjust all the technical and aesthetic aspects ofthis work. The expertise and cutting-edgetechnologies of the forty workshops and companieswho took part in this unique adventure, and thesharing of knowledge and skills are what enabled usto develop this exceptional project.

Appreciations towards Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/10
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