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非常感谢怡境国际设计集团予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于他们:GVLon gooood.Appreciations towardsGVLforproviding the following description:城市建设常会留下一些“边角地”,因面积太小,大多闲置。2018年8月,重庆启动在建成区利用边角地建设社区体育文化公园行动,计划到2020年修建92个社区体育文化公园,由GVL怡境国际设计集团设计的重庆心湖北体育文化公园正是首批建成的边角公园之一。In the urban construction, there are always someplots left because of their limited areas. SinceAugust, 2018, Chongqing has begun to make use ofthis kind of lands to build a series of sportsculture parks, ninety two of which will have beenbuilt by 2020. Designed by GVL, Chongqing XinhuNorth Sports Culture Park is one of the firstcompleted parks.▼视频,video公园地处重庆大渡口区北部,双园路、山川路和山河路交叉处,周边分布着密集的居住区,区内缺少大型活动场地。从周边居民的实际需求出发,设计团队充分利用场地原有资源,以体育文化为核心,打造了一个满足全年龄活动的社区公园。Located in the north of Dadukou District whereShuangyuan Road, Shanchuan Road and Shanhe Roadmeet, the park is surrounded by high-densityresidential communities which are in need ofactivity spaces. Based on the demands of the localresidents, GVL team has taken advantages of thenatural resources and created a sports culture parkfor all ages.▼公园俯视总平面图,the top view of the park▼公园鸟瞰图,打造一个满足全年龄活动的社区公园,bird-eye’s view of thepark,creating a sports culture park for allages地尽其利,高差处理 |Make The Best Of The Land – HeightDifference原始用地红线面积为20452㎡,东西约长140m,南北约长170m,场地内部高差大,最高点与最低点高差达13.5m,平缓地势少,地势相对复杂。以尊重场地原始地貌为前提,设计团队在原高差的基础上进行土方平衡的设计。为便于施工,竖向设计上考虑了软处理的手法,即采用缓坡、草坪、绿篱等方式,避免挡土墙,尽可能保留山地特征。Occupying an area of 20,452 m2, the site is about 140m long from the east to the west and 170 m from thesouth the north. The terrain is complicated withmultiple height differences —– height differencebetween the highest part and the lowest part reaches13.5 m. Trying to keep the original hilly terrain,the design team has created gentle slopes, lawns andhedges instead of retaining walls.▼公园局部,沙池边休憩阶梯,家长可“居高临下”看护孩子,partial view of the park,steps for parents to take a rest and watch overtheir children▼儿童活动区,采用缓坡、草坪等方式,尽可能保留山地特征,playground for children,creating gentle slopesand lawnsto keepthe original hilly terrain▼儿童活动区,结合地形设计攀爬空间,场地铺设透水材料,引流雨水,playground forchildren, creating climbing space by takingadvantage of the terrain, and permeable pavementensuring good drainage百家相聚,廊架设计 |Gathering Center – The CentralCorridor旧时育儿习俗,收集各家碎布拼缝一件“百家衣”,给小孩穿上就能得百家之福。用城市建设留下的边角地修建社区公园,发心与百家衣一样充满善意。基于此,在设计整个公园中心点的廊架时,设计师参照清华大学艺术博物馆藏的清代暗花绸女百衲衫,试图以其鲜明的色彩、质朴的造型,为使用者创造一个亲切而独特的记忆点。▼廊架概念演绎,the generation process of the centralcorridorIn the old days, Chinese people had the tradition ofmaking clothes with rags collected from otherfamilies, because they believed that childrenwearing this kind of clothes would be blessed.Making use of the left lands to build sports parksfor the communities is also a blessing for theresidents. Based on this tradition, the designershave made reference to the blessed clothes of QingDynasty which is collected in the Art Museum ofTsinghua University, trying to create a friendly andunique corridor for the users with its fresh colorsand elegant structure.▼公园中心廊架远景,色彩鲜明、造型质朴,the central corridor in thedistance that is in fresh colors and elegantstructure廊架作为中国园林中最重要的结构元素之一,主要起到联系点和组织游览路线的作用。“来到这个公园的人,或许不知道这个廊架的设计原理,但大家一看就觉得很亲切,一提及就知道它在哪,起到快速识别的功能、形成聚合效应,这就是我们的设计初心。”设计师说。As one of the most important landscape elements intraditional Chinese gardens, corridor is mainly usedfor connection and leading the way. “Visitors to thepark may have no idea about the design idea, butthey will feel warm and familiar with it. Thisrecognizable gathering corridor is just what wewant.” said the designers.▼中心廊架俯视图,色彩清爽,便于识别,the top view of the centralcorridor withrecognizable fresh colors▼中心藤架近景,结构简约,最大限度释放空间,close view of the centralcorridor that is asimple and elegant structure▼中心藤架下方空间局部,the space under the central corridor巧用天时,日照分析 |Make The Best Of The Climate – SunlightAnalysis重庆素有火炉之称。在实地考察时,设计团队发现周边楼盘的影子恰好覆盖在地块中,而公园人流最盛莫过于早晚时分,由此萌生结合当地日照环境布置园区景观功能的想法,以降低场所能量的损耗,增加使用者的舒适度。▼当地夏至日照分析,sunlight analysis on the Summer SolsticeChongqing is well known as one of the four “furnacecities” in China. When studying on the site, thedesign team were happy to find the surroundingbuildings happened to shadow the park. Thus they’veanalyzed the sunlight and the living habits of thelocal residents, creating a series of landscapes andsports facilities accordingly.▼当地冬至日照分析,sunlight analysis on the Winter Solstice将儿童活动区置在夏冬两季通风区,冬季日照充足的区域,夏季遮荫处;健身区设置在冬季日照条件较适宜的区域,以便人们在冬季活动接受充足的阳光的照射,各种健身器材东西向排列坐南朝北,配合落叶遮荫树来满足冬季和夏季不同的需求。The children’s playground is designed in theventilated area. Varied fitness equipment anddeciduous trees are scientifically arranged in oraround the fitness area, allowing people to enjoysunlight in winter and shadows in summer.▼老人健身区,配合落叶遮荫树,设置在冬季日照条件较适宜的区域,fitness area for theelderly,fitness equipment and deciduous treesare scientifically arranged in or around the fitnessarea亲子互动,活动设施 |Parent-children Interaction – ActivityFacilities在布置各类体育运动场地时,设计团队根据社区调研及人群分析划分了不同的功能区域,以最大程度实现全年龄、全民健身的理念,满足周边居民的运动健身需求,而在所有功能分区中,最受欢迎的是儿童活动区,常常“上演”感人的亲子互动画面。According to the survey on the living habits ofdifferent people, the design team has designeddifferent sports spaces for all ages, among whichthe most popular space is the children’s playground.Interactions between parents and children are quitenormal but exteremely touching in this area.▼公园中的足球场,the football field in the park林下凉街,绿化空间 |Shady Street Provides GreenSpaces考虑到城市空间肌理的传承和延续,设计团队用树阵的方式去营造重庆老街传统建筑的高度感,并参照重庆老街的宽度设计公园的园路。将城市的肌理与尺度转化为不同功能的景观空间,这也是消除隔阂感的一种方式。To continue the urban context, the design team usestree groups to imitate the traditional buildingsalong traditional Chongqing streets. The width ofthe path is also designed according to thetraditional street. Transforming the urban contextand scale into different landscape spaces is also away to eliminate the sense of strangeness.▼公园园路俯视图,参照重庆老街的宽度设计公园的园路,the top view ofthepath that is designed by imitating thetraditional buildings along traditional Chongqingstreets地面铺装多采用透水沥青、仿石砖等生态环保材料,而绿化主要选用当地植物。设计师说:“公园是百家相聚的场所,林下空间一定是人气最旺的区域。现在植物刚种下去还不明显,等它们长起来整个空间会更舒服。”The ground is mainly paved with environment-friendlypermeable asphalt and ashlar bricks, and the greenplants are mainly selected from local species. Justas the designers said, “the park is the place forhundreds of families, and the green spaces undertrees will be ideal place for them to stay andrelax. When the trees and plants grow up, they willmake the spaces more comfortable.”▼公园步道,采用水沥青、仿石砖等生态环保材料作为铺面,the paththatispaved with environment-friendly permeableasphalt and ashlar bricks▼公园健身步道,地面铺装采用透水沥青,footpath paved with permeableasphalt▼公园步道旁的休息空间,the seating area beside the path城市更新,从公有到共有 |Urban Renovation: From Public ToSharing据相关部门统计,重庆心湖北体育文化公园自开放后,日均人流量达到3300多人次,除了周边居民,街道、学校也常常来此举办活动。从住区到社区,从公有到共有,边角公园进一步扩大人与人的交往空间,提供了更多样的生活方式。According to the official statistics, since itsopening, the number of visitors to the ChongqingXinhu North Sports Cuture Park has reached anaverage of 3,300 person-times per day. Besides thenearby residents, the sub-district offices andschools would also like to hold activities here.From a publicly-owned land to a sharing space, thepark has greatly encouraged the communicationbetween people and provided a more colorfullifestyle.▼公园夜景,the night view of the park闲置的边角地常常成为城市美化的“死角”。作为有别于传统意义的城市公共设施,边角公园如果能被专业地对待,即便再小亦可承载文化、生态、社交等功能。增加城市开敞空间,优化城市形象、提升城市品质,建设“公园城市”,边角公园在角落里悄悄绽放。The idle lands usually become “dead corners” of acity. Different from traditional urban publicfacilities, corner parks will play an important rolein promoting the development of the culture, ecologyand society if well treated and designed. Adding tourban open spaces, optimizing the city image andpromoting the city quality, corner parks are nowblooming everywhere. And they are pretty importantin building a park city.▼总平面图,the site plan项目名称:重庆心湖北体育文化公园委托单位:龙湖 /道合项目类型:城市更新项目面积:20452㎡设计时间:2018年竣工时间:2019年景观设计:GVL怡境国际设计集团Project: ChongqingXinhu North Sports Culture Park Developer: Longfor /DONEHOME Category: UrbanRenovationArea: 20,452m2Yearof Design: 2018Year of Completion:2019Landscape Design:GVLMore:GVL 更多关于他们:GVLon gooood.