The Boots / Pures Design
The Boots
The Boots / Pures Design
Pures Design

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感谢武汉朴开十向文化设计有限公司对gooood的分享。更多关于:PuresDesign Ltd.ongooood.Appreciation towardsPuresDesign Ltd.forproviding the following description:空间因时而变,不变的是自由的生活态度。远离城市繁华,走进舒适放松的空间,享受一份精心制作的美食,身临其境般地感受舒适的假日。Space changes from time to time, but what remains thesame is the attitude of freedom of life.Awayfrom the bustle of the city, enter a comfortable andrelaxing space, enjoy a carefully prepared meal, andfeel the comfort of your holiday in the real world.▼餐厅立面,facade©张筱锴▼外摆区,terrace ©张筱锴▼外摆区细部,detail©张筱锴享受假期Getholiday有别于传统西餐厅的仪式感,THEBOOTS泥靴一直推崇轻松不拘束的社交用餐氛围,每家店都拥有一个独一无二的餐厅主题,本次主题假日,让我们与泥靴一起,Getholiday,享受假期,分享美味。空间分为动静两个区域,层叠的货架将二者分隔,逐步深入,由热闹集市迈入舒适郊野。▼轴测分析,axon diagram©武汉朴开十向设计事务所Different from the traditional Western restaurantrituals, “THE BOOTS” has always promoted a relaxedand unrestrained social dining atmosphere, eachstore has a unique restaurant theme. Let’s enjoy theholiday together and share thedeliciousness.The space is divided into twoareas, with the cascading shelves separating thetwo, gradually going deeper and deeper, from thelively market to the comfortable countryside.▼入口空间,entrance space©张筱锴▼舒适区,thecomfort area©张筱锴▼绿植和座位结合,combination of greenery and seating ©张筱锴▼由舒适区望向热闹区,view to thelively area fromthecomfort area©张筱锴▼层叠的货架将舒适区和热闹区隔开,the cascading shelves separatethecomfort area and thelivelyarea©张筱锴▼热闹区,thelively area ©张筱锴▼轻松不拘束的社交用餐氛围,a relaxed and unrestrained socialdining atmosphere ©张筱锴▼货架隔断,the shelf partition ©张筱锴▼更私密的用餐区,more private dining area ©张筱锴市集Bazaars木箱与植物将餐厅包围,悬挑门头,堆叠木箱,折叠窗口,空间内外的边界感相互渗透模糊。所有使用的材料均保持其本色,粗糙的水泥质感与金属的精致构件相碰撞,实木与波浪板的轻盈质朴将二者平衡。不拘泥装饰造型,一如泥靴的食物般自然呈现本味。市集上的推车小摊,摆满食物的货架,售卖酒水的窗口,墙壁的随意涂鸦…热闹的烟火气息抚慰往日奔波的疲惫。Wooden boxes and plants surround the restaurant, withoverhanging doors, stacked wooden boxes and foldingwindows, the border between the inside and outsideof the space is blurred.All materials used arekept in their original color, the rough texture ofcement colliding with the delicate components ofmetal, balanced by the lightness and simplicity ofsolid wood and corrugated board. The food is asnatural as the food at “The boots”, without anydecorative shapes.The cart stalls at themarket, the shelves full of food, the windowsselling drinks, and the random graffiti on the walls,The hustle and bustle of the city life is alwayscomforting.▼市集般的空间设置,market-like space setting ©张筱锴▼推车小摊,thecart ©张筱锴郊野Countryside厌倦城市的精致与喧嚣,追寻精神上的质朴之感。温暖的阳光搭配丰富的绿植,形成附有层次的斑驳光影,摆脱日常生活的繁杂,面前的餐点都仿佛是与家人好友一起的野餐体验。白昼里郊野般舒适宁静,夜幕下逐渐升温放松。每一盏灯具是精心挑选,微醺之下,微黄的灯光烘托惬意氛围,大小不一的灯笼在头顶摇曳。阳光正好的午后,散漫与悠闲抚平内心的波澜,说不定,此刻你能更好找到生活的答案。Tired of the sophistication of the city, seek a senseof spiritual simplicity. The warm sunlight with richgreenery creates layers of dappled light and shadow,free from the clutter of daily life, and the meal infront of you is like a picnic experience with familyand friends.It is as comfortable and quiet asthe countryside during the day, and gradually heatsup and relaxes at night. Each light fixture iscarefully selected, and under the slightinebriation, the yellowish light sets a cozyatmosphere, with lanterns of different sizes swayingoverhead.In the afternoon when the sunshine isjust right, the relaxation and leisure soothe theinner waves, maybe you can find the answer to lifebetter at this moment.▼材料细部,detail©张筱锴▼平面图,plan©武汉朴开十向设计事务所项目名称:Theboots泥靴餐厅设计机构:武汉朴开十向设计事务所网站:www.puresdesign.com邮箱:puresdesign@126.com设计总监:熊天宇张筱锴设计团队:陆宏达徐颖项目地址:湖北省武汉市项目面积:416㎡完工时间:2021.12摄影:张筱锴材料:铝合金长城板,桦木多层板,镀锌铁板Project Name: ThebootsDesign: Pure’sdesignWebsite: www.puresdesign.comContact e-mail: puresdesign@126.comDesign Director: XiongTianyu, Zhang XiaokaiDesign Team:Lu Hongda,Xv YingProject location:Wuhan, Hubei ProvinceGross Built Area :416㎡Completion Year:2021.12Photo credits:ZhangXiaokaiMaterials:CorrugationPanel,Birch multilayer board, galvanized ironsheetMore:PuresDesign Ltd. 更多关于:PuresDesign Ltd.ongooood
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Published on 2023/08/10
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