Not Sweet Dessert Shop / Geemo Design
Not Sweet Dessert Shop
Not Sweet Dessert Shop / Geemo Design
Geemo Design

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非常感谢GeemoDesign(联系方式予gooood分享以下内容。更多请至:GeemoDesign ongooood。AppreciationstowardsGeemoDesign( the following description:我们用暧昧与冲突表达“NOT SWEET不甜”的甜与不甜。We use ambiguity and conflict to express thesweetness and non-sweetness of “NOT SWEET”.©偏方摄影社区商业是我们生活的一部分,但千篇一律的形式却没有丝毫精彩,我们总是一如既往的忽视萦绕在旁的这种存在。“NOTSWEET不甜”的出现就是要打破这种常态,以一种平凡且寂静的姿态地隐匿于周遭,毫无矫揉造作的融入我们日常的生活。Community commerce is a part of our life, but themachine-made form is without any splendidness, weignore such existence around us as always. Theappearance of “NOT SWEET” is designated to breaksuch status, hide around us with an ordinary andquiet pose, and integrate into our daily withoutmincement.▼店铺外观,exterior view of the store ©偏方摄影小懒桔旗下品牌“NOTSWEET不甜”是一个充满戏剧性的店名,面对甜与不甜本身的矛盾性,我们以什么样的方式介入,以及对空间的思考提出新的要求。The brand “NOT SWEET” under Xiaolanju is a dramaticshop name. in face of the conflict between sweet andnot sweet, new requirements are proposed for whatkind of method should we use to intervene and theconsideration for space.▼外立面细节,facade details ©偏方摄影▼空间次入口,the secondary entrance ©偏方摄影对内,在不足50㎡的空间,不仅要满足甜品店具备的所有功能,还需要化解一根单边长1米的承重柱对空间的干扰。对外,不仅要体现品牌意志还要尽量避免与周边环境产生冲突。Internally, within the space less than50m2, it will not only meet all functionspossessed by the dessert shop, but also resolve theinterference caused by the bearing column withunilateral length of 1m for the space. Externally,it should not only reflect the brand effect butavoid the conflict with the surrounding environmentas much as possible.▼从侧入口看室内,viewing thepatisserie from theentrance ©偏方摄影我们构思,从品牌本身出发,以“桔子”的几何形态具象的在空间中形成符号化的表达。空间以一个小尺度的简单开放的盒子为基础,“桔子”作为另一个几何体嵌入盒子体内,挖空两个几何体之间的重叠部分,使之成为新的使用空间。We conceive to form the expression of signalizationfrom our own brand and with the specific geometricshape of “orange” in the space.The space takes a small-scale simple and open box asbasis, takes “orange” as another geometry to embedinto the box, and makes it into a new use space byhollowing the overlaps part between the twogeometries.▼室内概览,interior overview ©偏方摄影▼“桔子”作为另一个几何体嵌入盒子体内,“orange” was taken as anothergeometry to embed into the box ©偏方摄影▼室内细节,interior view ©偏方摄影甜品展示、咖啡机和服务台组合成一个整体,底部内退形成悬空的横向体块,再和竖向承重柱形成交叉,共同组成空间中一个新的结构体,造型如丝带般轻盈的悬浮空中。不仅解决了功能需求,在视觉上增加了立体感的同时也化解了承重柱对空间的干扰。▼服务台内侧,service counter – internal ©偏方摄影▼甜品展示柜细部, dessert showcase ©偏方摄影The dessert exhibition, coffee machine and servicecounter are joined into a harmonious whole. Thebottom internal retreat will form impendinghorizontal blocks, and then they will cross with thevertical bearing column, to form a new structuralbody in space, with the sculpt suspended into theair as light as silk ribbon. It not only solves thefunction demands, increases the third dimension invision, but also resolves the interference ofbearing column for space.▼室内细部,interior details ©偏方摄影完成空间的塑造,我们运用灯光、材料和色彩来暗示“NOT SWEET不甜”暧昧与冲突。After completing the shaping of space, we use light,material and color to imply the ambiguity andconflict of NOT SWEET.▼天棚细部,ceiling details ©偏方摄影▼墙面细部,wall details ©偏方摄影球形空间中的暖色光线通过橙色肌理墙面所产生的漫射让结构体块和材质随着人的视角变化时而模糊时而清晰,空间氛围温柔暧昧,与黑色火山石外墙表皮形成冲突。The warm light in the spherical space makes thestructural blocks and texture become vague sometimesand clear sometimes along with the change ofpeople’s angle of view through the diffusiongenerated by the wall surface with orange texture,the space atmosphere will become gentle andambiguous, to form conflict with the black lavaexternal wall surface.▼地面细部,floor details ©偏方摄影▼材料细部,material details ©偏方摄影夜幕降临,橙与黑的对比让空间有了运动感,呼之欲出,像极了一颗晶莹剔透的甜蜜桔子。When darkness falls, the comparison between orangeand black makes the space full of movement,seemsreadytocomeoutatone’scall,just like a crystal clear sweet orange.▼店铺夜间外观,night view of the store©偏方摄影▼平面布置图,layout plan©GeemoDesign项目名称:NOT SWEET不甜项目类型:甜品店设计公司:GeemoDesign设计团队:石朝思、易毅、杨巧项目地址:成都主要材料:涂料、石材、黏土砖完工时间:2020.06项目面积:47平方米摄影团队:偏方摄影施工单位:南玺迅雅Project name: NOTSWEETProgram:PastryDesign firm: GeemoDesignDesigner team: KirinShi, Eleven Yi, CathyProject location:Chengdu, ChinaCompletion time:2020.06Area:47sqmPhotograph: PianFangconstructioncompany:NanXiXunYaMore:GeemoDesign(联系方式。更多请至:GeemoDesign on gooood
Appreciations towards Geemo Design for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/10/29
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