Tea Tales / Geemo Design
Tea Tales
Tea Tales / Geemo Design
Geemo Design

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非常感谢GeemoDesign(联系方式予gooood分享以下内容。更多请至:GeemoDesign ongooood。AppreciationstowardsGeemoDesign( the following description:“侃天说地,歇脚喝茶”是坐茶TEA-TALES的SLOGAN,也似重庆人豪爽个性的直白表达,无论是阳春白雪还是下里巴人,一间茶馆,一壶好茶,就是江湖。“Talk about heaven and earth, have a rest and drinktea” is the SLOGAN of TEA-TALES, and it is similarto the straightforward expression of the forthrightpersonality of Chongqing people. Whether they arehigh-minded or low-class, a teahouse and a pot ofgood tea are rivers and lakes.▼入口立面,entrance facade▼门店外观,exterior view喝茶固然有传统属性,但绝不是一件陈旧的事情,这是客户与我们的共识。过于现代化的符号介入也和坐茶TEA-TALES的气质相违和。遵循传统糅合现代,我们对空间进行“折叠”处理。Although drinking tea has traditional attributes, itis by no means an old thing, which is the consensusof our customers and us. The overly modern symbolintervention is also contrary to the temperament ofTEA-TALES. Following the combination of traditionand modernity, we “fold” the space.▼轴测图,axon靠近公共平台区域部分,我们从隐私和采光考虑,设计了背窗卡座,外立面以矩形结构组合相互交叉的木架和窗框,让立面造型形成强烈的垂直视觉感受。上下推窗的设置让室内外保持对话,功能上便于通风。Close to the public platform area, from theconsideration of privacy and lighting, we designedthe back window booth, and the rectangular structureof the exterior facade combines the intersectingwooden frame and window frame, so that the facadeform a strong vertical visual experience. Thesetting that up and down pushes a window lets indoorand outdoor maintain dialogue, also facilitateventilated on the function.▼外坐席区空间概览,Exterior seating area overview▼座位细部,detailed view▼透过玻璃望向外坐席区,view to the through the glazed wall楼梯作为建筑的组成元素,在空间规划中,我们不愿它只停留在功能性上,更想通过造型设计让楼梯成为空间中承上启下的过渡。折叠的楼梯犹如山城步道的蜿蜒,折叠后形成的两个区域一收一放巧妙的安置艺术装置和商品展示。同时又将上下两层空间交错折叠在一起,形成空间的趣味。Stair serves as the constituent element of thebuilding, in dimensional plan, we do not hope thatit stay only on function,more want to let stairbecome the transition that connects above and belowin the space more through modelling design. Thefolded staircase is like the winding trail of themountain city. After folding, two areas are formed,one for collection and the other for cleverplacement of art installations and commoditydisplays. At the same time, it will be up and downtwo layers of space staggered folding together, theformation of space interest.▼折叠的楼梯犹如山城步道的蜿蜒,the folded staircase is like thewinding trail of the mountain city艺术装置“FLOW/流”,以“茶”为才找灵感,以“竹”为媒介,尊重自然,传承人文。The art installation “FLOW”, inspired by “tea” andmediated by “bamboo”, respects nature and inheritshumanity.▼装置“FLOW/流”,art installation “FLOW”利用结构柱设计墙体造型,形成双动线增强空间的流动性。虚实结合的形式感,减少其他客人对内座区的干扰。The structure column is used to design the wallshape, and the double moving line is formed toenhance the fluidity of the space. A sense of formcombined with reality reduces the interference ofother guests in the inner seating area.▼内坐区空间概览,the inner seating area▼空间细部,detailed view▼楼梯视角,view from the stair▼二层空间概览,second floor overview▼二层休闲区,second floor seating area▼室内细节,interior space details▼一层平面图,floor plan level 1▼二层平面图,floor plan level 2项目名称:坐茶TEA-TALS设计公司:重庆治木装饰设计有限公司设计团队:石朝思、易毅、余思静项目地址:中国重庆完工时间:2019.9项目面积:300平方米摄影团队:偏方摄影施工团队:造式空间艺术装置:GR ARTProject name:TEA-TALES Designfirm:GeemoDesignDesigner team: KirinShi, Eleven Yi, Sijing YuProject location:Chongqing, ChinaCompletion time:2019.09Area: 300sqmPhotograph: PIANFANGConstructionteam:ZAOSHI SPACEArt installation: GRARTMore:GeemoDesign(联系方式。更多请至:GeemoDesign on gooood
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Published on 2023/11/01
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