Nous Floral Restaurant / 0321 studio
Nous Floral Restaurant
Nous Floral Restaurant / 0321 studio
0321 studio

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感谢0321studio对gooood的分享。更多关于他们:0321studio on gooood.Appreciation towards0321studiofor providingthe following description:Nous年初在东莞东城区开设了它第一家带有先锋性的实验型花艺餐厅,提供针对食材自身美学的探索和花艺搭配的混合服务。位于深圳的创意机构0321studio与Nous合作,为这间沿街店铺进行组织与设计。客户的要求重点在于如何解决花艺与餐饮的关系,视觉,功能,以及情绪。Nous opened its first pioneering experimental floralrestaurant in Dongcheng District in Dongguan earlythis year, offering mixed services of exploring theaesthetics of ingredients and floral matching.The creative agency 0321 studio in Shenzhencollaborated with Nous to organize and design thisshop along the street. The customer’s requestfocuses on how to solve the relationship betweenfloral and dining in visual, functional, andemotional ways.▼餐厅外观,exterior view我们认为空间的重要性是关系,人与空间的关联,空间与空间的关联,情绪与环境的关联。首先我们单纯的选着一种材料去尽量放大他与空间的接触,无论是出现的面积以及本身的机理,都试图与对常规材料认知差别开,项目将水磨石的骨料与辅料的比例减少,强调白色骨料的随机性并放大尺寸,形成特殊的材质机理,并大面积出现营造极致的视觉体验,从而试图影响顾客的情绪,产生独特的用餐感受。We believe that the importance of space is therelationship, connections between people and space,between space and space, and between emotion andenvironment. First of all, we choose solely onematerial to maximize its contact with space. Boththe area of appearance and its own mechanism try todifferentiate its recognition from conventionalmaterials. The project will reduce the amount ofterrazzo aggregates and auxiliary materials.Emphasizing the randomness of the white aggregatesand enlarging their size, forming a special materialmechanism, and creating an extreme visual experienceover a large area attempt to influence thecustomer’s emotions and create a unique diningexperience.▼夜景,nigh tview设计概念提出重新思考从外部能轻易识别出一家餐厅的必要性,沿街有关餐厅的视觉信息完全隐蔽,退守在花艺功能后,花艺区域不作为餐厅附属,而起到干扰作用——堵塞与室内和公共街道。一个透明的方体怼在门口,既作为街道的背景,也作为餐厅向外看的背景。并且这个方块要通体透亮。去往餐厅的顾客需穿过这个盒子。The design concept proposes to rethink the necessityof easily recognizing a restaurant from the outside.The visual information of restaurants along thestreet is completely hidden behind the floralfunction. The floral area is not affiliated with thedining area, instead it interferes by jammingbetween the interior and the public street.Atransparent cube stands in the doorway, serving bothas a street backdrop and as a background to therestaurant when people look outside. And this boxmust be translucent. Restaurant-goers need to gothrough this box. We like this kind of conflict andeven interference rather than a mediocre andharmonious coexistence.▼沿街有关餐厅的视觉信息完全隐蔽,退守在花艺功能后,the visual information ofrestaurants along the street is completely hiddenbehind the floral function▼透明的方体既作为街道的背景,也作为餐厅向外看的背景,atransparent cubestands in the doorway, serving both as a streetbackdrop and as a background to the restaurant whenpeople look outside▼餐厅区域,restaurant area▼空间分隔细部,partition detail我们喜欢这种相互冲突甚至干扰阻挠,而不是一种平庸的和谐共处。选择一种相对极致的彩色透明玻璃大面积出现,作为店与外界的界限,花艺展示、花艺操作,储藏等功用以集合的方式制作成一个全金属体量操作台。We choose a relatively large-scale appearance oftransparent colored glass, as the boundary betweenthe store and the outside world, and combine flowerdisplay, floral operation, storage and otherfunctions to create a full metal mass.▼金属操作台,metal operation desk水磨石现浇通长座位,与两公分厚毛毡和简易的金属构件组合成利落的餐位布局,去维护增强顾客独特的用餐体验,在不丢失舒适感的前提,实现空间重要元素与其他同类餐厅的差异化,激发在这个环境里每个人的想象力,用餐的想象力。Long cast-in-seat terrazzo seats, combined with twocentimeter-thick fur blankets and simple metalcomponents create a neat seating layout, maintainingand enhancing the customer’s unique diningexperience. This also achieves the importantelements of space and differentiation from othersimilar restaurants without losing comfort,inspiring everyone’s imagination in thisenvironment, especially dinning imagination.▼彩色透明玻璃大面积出现,作为店与外界的界限,thelarge-scaleappearance of transparent colored glasscreatesthe boundary between the store and theoutside world▼水磨石现浇通长座位,与两公分厚毛毡和简易的金属构件组合成利落的餐位布局,longcast-in-seat terrazzo seats, combined with twocentimeter-thick fur blankets and simple metalcomponents create a neat seating layout▼毛毡座椅细部,fur blanket seating▼富有现代感的金属元素点缀在空间当中,simple metal components providethe space with a modern feeling粉色楼梯做垂直交通外也作为空间的装置元素,最后我们想说一下关于密集恐惧症的满壁碎片,相比它的装饰性,我们更在乎他情绪化的密集,三维空间里的二维故障美学。The pink staircase serves as a space decorationelement as well as the vertical traffictool.Finally, we would like to talk about thewall fragments related to intensive phobia. Comparedwith its decorativeness, we care more about itsemotional intensiveness, two-dimensional obstacleaesthetics in three-dimensional space.▼粉色的垂直交通空间,pink staircase serves as the verticaltraffic tool▼楼梯作为空间的装置元素,the staircase is alsoa spacedecoration element▼洗手间,toilet▼微妙的视觉体验,a subtle visual effect▼一层平面图,ground floor plan▼二层平面图,first floor plan▼立面图及剖面图,elevation and section项目名称 / Project :NOUS花艺餐厅项目地点 / Location:中国东莞设计面积 /Area:240㎡完工时间 / Completion:2018年01月设计公司 / Architects :0321STUDIO设计 /Designer:郑卜洋团队 / DesignTeam:胡裕龙,easyhos, NOUSJason,kiki灯光设计:AGN照明顾问摄影/Photographs:肉山撰 文 / text:王立威www.0321studio.cominfo@0321studio.comTel:8613005423721More:0321studio。更多关于他们:0321studio on gooood.
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Published on 2023/09/03
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