Fjordenhus / Olafur Eliasson
Fjordenhus / Olafur Eliasson
Olafur Eliasson

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非常感谢OlafurEliasson将以下内容授权gooood发行。更多关于:OlafurEliasson on goooodAppreciation towards OlafurEliassonfor providingthe following description:Fjordenhus是艺术家OlafurEliasson主持设计的第一个建筑项目。该建筑将于6月9日在丹麦瓦埃勒正式投入使用。作为KIRKKAPITAL公司的总部办公室,该建筑以当代设计手法,结合由OlafurEliasson特别打造的空间艺术品和定制家具及灯饰,将整栋建筑打造成一间独一无二的艺术作品。Fjordenhus (Fjord House), the first building designedentirely by artist Olafur Eliasson and thearchitectural team at Studio Olafur Eliasson, willopen on 9 June in Vejle, Denmark. Commissioned byKIRK KAPITAL, the company’s new headquarters offer acontemporary interpretation of the idea of the totalwork of art, incorporating remarkable site specificartworks by Eliasson with specially designedfurniture and lighting.▼建筑外貌,exterior view瓦埃勒市是日德兰半岛的经济枢纽,而这栋水中矗立的异形建筑,将瓦埃勒市中心与瓦埃勒峡湾紧密的连接起来。当行人从火车站向Havneøen海港漫步而来,Fjordenhus便于开阔的海港广场上显现。Havneøen是一座处于快速发展中的,集居住社区和商业街区的人造海港区域。经过一座步行桥,来访者或周边社区的居民们便可以从海港广场轻易抵达建筑的底层开放空间。他们有时也可以选择在建筑周围的码头景观中闲逛,感受建筑与景观所营造的美好生活空间。该码头周边景观由GüntherVogt设计。Rising out of the water, Fjordenhus forges a strikingnew connection between Vejle Fjord and the citycentre of Vejle—one of Jutland peninsula’s thrivingeconomic hubs. As one moves from the train stationtowards the harbour, Fjordenhus comes into viewacross the expansive plaza of the man-made Havneøen(The Harbour Island), a mixed-use residential andcommercial area currently in development. From here,residents and visitors can access the ground floorof Fjordenhus via a footbridge or stroll along thejetty designed by landscape architect Günther Vogt.▼建筑于水中矗立,the architecture stands in the water开放式双层高度入口层面拉近了建筑与水的距离,深入水底的结构柱子成为建筑给人的第一印象。弯曲的边缘让结构内部与海港景色获得有趣的对视关系。建筑自身与海港景色融为一体,从瞭望台上可以清晰的观察到建筑的两个亲水区。不论是建筑所营造的空间本身,还是由Eliasson创作的艺术作品,都与悦动的水面展开了互动。The building’s public, double-height entrance levelis dedicated to the relation of the building to thewater, drawing attention to the plane where thestructure plunges beneath the surface, its curvededges framing glimpses of the surrounding shores andharbour. The building is permeated by the harbouritself, and its two aqueous zones are visible fromviewing platforms. Both the architectural spaces andEliasson’s artworks engage in a dialogue with theever-changing surface of the water.▼底层空间入口,entrance of the ground floor▼圆形的内向空间,rounded negative volumes▼建筑与水的互动,interaction with thewater▼光影,艺术作品与水,light, waterand the artworks四个柱状体空间形成了28米高的建筑外貌。设计师巧用砖墙围合出曲面,圆形,椭圆形,扭转形态和抛物线等建筑空间形态,并打造出趣味性十足的圆形内向空间。身处与自然环境相结合的城市工业环境之中,该建筑预示了这座城市作为一颗冉冉升起的新星的辉煌未来。Formed by four intersecting cylinders, Fjordenhussoars to a height of twenty-eight metres (ninety-two feet). Rounded negative volumes have been carvedfrom its facades of custom-glazed brick to create anextraordinary architectural statement of complexcurved, circular, and elliptical forms, torqueingwalls and parabolic arches. In its unique setting—ahybrid of natural and industrial-urban contexts—thebuilding highlights Vejle’s future as a centre notjust for today’s generation but also for generationsto come.▼底层公共空间拉近了建筑与周围环境的关系,the public space on the groundfloor built up the relationship with thesurroundingsOlafur Eliasson说道,“我非常感谢KirkJohansen家族对我和我工作室的信任,使我们可以将多年来在主观感知,客体变化,光与自然,以及空间体验方面的研究付诸实践,并最终将其转化成一栋如艺术品一般的建筑作品。我们一早就开始对打造一种有机的建筑形态进行探讨,并试图用这种形态的建筑来回应自然界中的潮涨潮落,水面的粼粼波光,以及不断变化着的周边环境。随着观察者的移动,Fjordenhus便会以不同的姿态面对我们,就如同它对变化的世界的回应一般。我希望Fjordenhus可以成为这座城市的新地标,希望它可以被这座城市的居民所接纳。”Olafur Eliasson notes, ‘I am very thankfulfor the trust shown by the Kirk Johansenfamily in inviting me, with my studio, toconceive Fjordenhus. This allowed us to turnyears of research on perception, physicalmovement, light, nature, and the experienceof space—into a building that is at once atotal work of art and a fully functionalarchitectural structure. In the design team,we experimented from early on with how tocreate an organic building that wouldrespond to the ebb and flow of the tides, tothe shimmering surface of the water,changing at different times of the day andof the year. The curving walls of thebuilding transform our perception of it aswe move through its spaces. I hope theresidents of Vejle will embrace Fjordenhusand identify with it as a new landmark forthe harbour and their city.’▼充满艺术感的楼梯间,theartistic staircase▼所有艺术作品均为设计师亲手打造,Eliasson’s artworks designed forthis building▼艺术灯饰与环境的互动,light and space▼灯光与水面的互动,lights on the surface of waterStudio Olafur Eliasson的设计负责人,建筑师SebastianBehmann说道,“在设计过程中,我们十分注重空间的形成与布局,并善用光的布置及对声学效果的把控来强调人对建筑的空间感知。虚实空间的趣味性结合,形成了如雕塑一般的Fjordenhus。内外空间的相互作用形成了多个建筑孔洞,这些孔洞又相互作用,形成跨越多层的抛物线状立面窗口,这些便是该建筑的最独特之处。作为衔接周边社区的重要空间,底层空间与广场和码头一起,拉近了建筑与公众生活的关系。”Architect Sebastian Behmann, head of designat Studio Olafur Eliasson, says, ‘Throughoutthe process, we were very attentive to thechoreography and sequencing of spaces, usingmodulation of light and acoustics toheighten all the building’s sensory aspects.One experiences Fjordenhus as a sculpturalpresence in the harbour, an interaction ofsolids and voids. These voids—the mainpoints of interaction between inside andoutside—are the major design element andform the parabolic, multi-story windows. Ourclients grasped the value of devoting theground story of the building, alongside theplaza with its jetty, to the experience ofthe building’s relation to its environmentand to the public.’▼建筑内部空间,interior viewMore:OlafurEliasson,更多关于:OlafurEliasson on gooood
Appreciations towards Olafur Eliasson for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/03/20
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