The Home Of The Courtyard Gaoyou Road Lane5 Shanghai / JIN DESIGN STUDIO
The Home Of The Courtyard Gaoyou Road Lane5 Shanghai
The Home Of The Courtyard Gaoyou Road Lane5 Shanghai / JIN DESIGN STUDIO

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感谢 继景室内设计事务所予gooood分享以下内容。更多关于:JinDesignStudioon goooodAppreciation towards JinDesignStudiofor providingthe following description:上海高邮路,一条永不被拓宽的马路,北起复兴西路,南至湖南路。道路长355米,民国14年(1925年)筑.高邮路,上海经典弄堂的代表,沿高邮路南侧进弄堂,可以穿至北侧的湖南路,曲径通幽,神秘安静。那里面有几幢独立的老洋房,斑驳的墙面,高耸的烟囱,枝叶茂盛地覆盖到围墙外的大树。偶尔高墙之内伸出的蔷薇绿叶,爬过高耸的墙篱笆娇艳绽放。细听花园内传来蝉鸣和轻声交谈声,宛如在苏轼的《蝶恋花》“墙里秋千墙外道。墙外行人,墙里佳人笑”的诗句中。Shanghai Gaoyou road, a road that will never bewidened, north from Fuxing west road, south to Hunanroad. The road is 355 meters long, built in the 14thyear of the republic of China. Gaoyou road, therepresentative of Shanghai classic alley, leads intothe lane along the south side of Gaoyou road, whichcan be penetrated to the north side of hunan road.Inside there were several old houses, with mottledwalls, towering chimneys, and leafy trees thatcovered the walls. From time to time rose leavesprotrude from the high walls, and they bloombeautifully over the high walls. Listen to the soundof cicadas singing and talking softly in the garden,just like in Su Shi’s “butterfly lovers flower”.Swing inside the wall while street outside.Pedestrian outside the wall while the lady smilinginside the wall.▼改造后项目外观,保留原本高耸的烟囱,external view of the project afterrenovation, remaining the high chimneys1981年拍摄的电影《小街》红极一时,很多外景都取自高邮路,剧中女主角,著名演员张瑜也是这条弄堂的居民。弄堂里还曾经居住着各路政要、艺术家、文学家、民国名媛,例如现代文学家郑振铎、电影表演艺术家陶金、旧法租界万国商团司令魏延荣、京剧名角吕美玉、北洋名媛吴靖……他们的人生跌宕起伏,几乎可以说是从民国到新中国时期上海滩传奇的缩影。位于高邮路的洋房是我们此次的改造项目,改造范围包括一楼侧庭院、辅助用房和二楼整层,是吴靖居住了七十多年的房子,从北洋名媛到南模教师,从青春到耄耋,半生荏苒,这栋德式建筑的每砖每瓦都有说不完的故事。因历史的变迁,房子曾被拆分成多户,如今它将被整合改造,作为城市改造项目中的长租精品公寓重新投入使用。In the 1981 film “narrow street”, many scenes weretaken from lane 5, Gaoyou road, in which the leadingactress Zhang Yu, a famous actor, was also aresident. The alley hall also once lived variouspoliticians, artists, litterateur, the republic ofChina famous ladies, such as the modern litterateurZheng Zhenduo, the film performance artist Tao Jin,the old French concession world commerce groupcommander Wei Yanrong, Peking Opera star Lu Meiyu,Bei Yang famous lady Wu Jing .Their life is like theepitome of shanghai legend.Our project is located in the Gaoyou road, lane 5.The renovation scope includes the whole yard,subsidiary room, and whole 2nd floor. Wu Jing livedin the house for over seventy years, from thesocialite of Republic of China era to south famousteacher. Every brick tile of the German style househas a story. Due to historical changes, the househas been divided into several households. Now itwill be integrated and reconstructed as sampleboutique apartment.▼入口,保留原始的建筑风貌,entrance, remaining the originalatmosphereof the building庭院Courtyard建筑外观保留了当年的德式建筑风格,高耸的壁炉烟囱,拉毛的墙面,被高大的绿树掩盖,树影婆娑,低调而静谧。建筑四面临空,西侧紧邻八十年代加建的公房,其余三侧均有庭院。一部分是一楼邻居的南院;一部分是位于建筑北面主入口的公用前院;另一部分是我们此次的改造范围,即需要通过前院到达被四周邻居外墙围合的东侧庭院。初到庭院,绿意葱葱,香樟树、柿子树、枇杷树还有叫不上名字的树木,树干和围墙被野生的藤蔓缠绕,构成了丰富的自然景观,高耸的树冠把繁茂的枝叶送到了二楼窗前,使整个二楼空间仿佛置身于空中花园。No. 7 retains the original German architecturalstyle, with its towering chimneys, shaggy walls,overshadowed by tall green trees, looming andsilent. The building is empty on four sides, and thewest side is adjacent to the public house built inthe 1980s. The other three sides have courtyards.Part is the first floor of the neighborhood’s southcourtyard; Part of it is a public front yard at themain entrance to the north side of the building; theother part is the scope of our renovation, that is,we need to go through the front yard to the easternside yard surrounded by walls.When designer came to the courtyard, there were greentrees, camphor trees, persimmon trees, loquat treesand nameless trees. The tree trunks and walls werewrapped with wild vines, forming a rich naturallandscape.▼庭院内部,inside the courtyard庭院虽被绿意包围但年深日久,渐次荒芜,杂草丛生。部分地面被大树根部拱开,地坪变形分裂、排水不畅。被四周邻居外墙围合的建筑墙面,破败不堪,有些植物陷入建筑外墙缝隙生长,墙体开裂,长期渗水,存在严重的安全隐患。我们对庭院的每一棵树进行测量标记,请园林师傅对植物的根部进行勘测评估,修剪多余的枝蔓,去除杂草,重新梳理排水系统,平整修复已经变形的地面。让庭院展现诗意美感的同时更兼顾实用功能。The courtyard is surrounded by green but was out ofshape while grass is overgrown. Part of the groundis arched by the root of the tree, the floordeformation split, drainage system not work well.The building wall looks dilapidated. The walls arecracked and seepage water for a long time, whichposes serious safety risks.We measured each tree in the courtyard and asked thegardener to survey and evaluate the roots of theplants, pruning the redundant branches and tendrils,removing weeds, re-combing the drainage system andrepairing the deformed ground. Let the courtyardshow poetic beauty while giving more attention topractical functions.▼改造前的庭院,the courtyard before renovation我们重新设计了庭院入口,在邻居的前院和侧院的分界线处立起一道铸铁隔珊矮墙,使进入庭院得入口充满仪式感。入口处原庭院内的辅助用房更换了小窗,暮色降临时,窗内暖黄色灯光氤氲,营造一种回家的感觉。我们在内部庭院的基础上立起一道矮墙,以具有上海特点的水洗石满铺.矮墙作为基础脱离开周边的邻居的外墙,形成一个相对独立的开放空间。新作矮墙与围墙之间安置了雨水排水系统,使整个庭院变成一座”岛”,并请老师傅捆扎了上海洋房最具代表性的墙篱笆,墙篱笆随着时间从青变黄又到略变灰色,为庭院的绿色提供了一个带时间印记的质感背景。We designed the entrance of courtyard with a castiron parapet at the dividing line between the frontand side yards of the neighborhood. A small windowwas replaced by an auxiliary room in the originalcourtyard at the entrance. When dusk fell, the warmyellow light filled the window, creating a feelingof going home.On the basis of the inner courtyard, we set up a lowwall, which is made of water-washed stone with thecharacteristics of Shanghai. As the foundation, thelow wall breaks away from the outer wall of thesurrounding neighbors, forming a relativelyindependent open space. Rainwater drainage system isinstalled between the low wall and the wall, makingthe whole courtyard an “island” and asking workersto tie up the most representative wall fence ofShanghai. The wall fence changes from green toyellow to slightly grey over time, providing atime-stamped texture background for the green of thecourtyard.▼用矮墙和墙篱笆围合庭院,形成相对独立的开放空间,use low walls and wall fenceto enclose the courtyard, creating a relativelyindependent open space▼矮墙和篱笆细部,details of the low wall and wall fence我们保留了每一棵树,并根据其形态预留出相应的树坑位置,采用和矮墙一样的水洗石磨平,用圆弧和直线勾勒新地形,以能快速吸水的黑陶粒满铺,点缀照数投射灯,在这个清逸自然的环境中,佳木秀而繁阴,每一棵树都是主角。庭院尽头延续地面的形式随新地形凿渠,转角处圆弧形的跌阶式无边溢水小池,亦是对新地形的呼应。水池的水缓缓贯穿于整个小庭院,潺潺的细水声更加以衬托庭院的静谧。We kept every tree, and set pits for trees accordingto their location. The floor was made ofwater-washed stone also. Black pottery grain spreadto absorbing water. With the rendering by lighting,each tree becomes a role. The continuation of theform of the ground at the end of the courtyard alongwith the new topography of ditches, the corner ofthe arc of the steps of the endless overflow ofsmall pools, is also a response to the newtopography. The water in the sink slowly runsthrough the small yard, and the sound of thegurgling water serves as a counterpoint to thestillness of the yard.▼从二楼俯瞰庭院,原本的树木被保留,view of the courtyard from thesecond floor, the original trees are reserved▼溢水池与新地形呼应,the small pool corresponded with thetopography茶室Teahouse正对庭院的辅助用房内部曾被历代使用者改建得面目全非,现况是被作为杂物间来使用的.现代工业化的防盗门、白色塑钢窗、不锈钢防盗网以及凌乱排布的PVC排水管,使建筑外部充满了廉价感。内部光线昏暗,吊顶压抑,空间感逼仄。The interior of the subsidiary room has been rebuiltby users. It was used as storage. The modernindustrialized security door, white plastic steelwindow, stainless steel security net and messy PVCdrainage pipe make the exterior of the building fullof cheap feeling. Lighting inside is dark, suspendceiling left a sense of cramped.▼改造后的茶室外观,external view of the teahouse afterrenovation▼改造前的茶室,teahouse before renovation我们把它改建成茶室,在面对庭院的南向设计了大落地玻璃,庭院四季美景尽收眼底。吊顶拆除,尖顶打开,露出的原始屋架木樑和屋面板大面积被白蚁啃噬,因此在做室内装饰之前,请专业机构对木结构进行灭蚁工程,并对一些已经腐烂的木结构进行加固更新,将两组对称的屋架木樑裸露,空间感得到有效提升。茶室内设置了水吧台,柜体上下暗藏的灯带使室内灯光延续了庭院灯光的静谧感。We transformed the room into a teahouse and designedlarge glass flooring to the south of the courtyard,with a panoramic view of the four seasons. Theceiling is removed, the roof is opened up, and theexposed original roof frame wood beams and roofslabs are eaten by termites in large areas.Therefore, before interior decoration, professionalorganizations carried out the ant eliminationproject on the wood structure, and reinforce andupdate some decayed wood structures.The twosets of symmetrical roof beams are exposed, and thesense of space is effectively enhanced. The tea roomis equipped with a water bar, and the cabinets upperand lower concealed strip lighting makes the indoorlight continue the quiet feeling of the courtyardlight.▼改造后的茶室室内,屋架木梁裸露,interior of the teahouse afterrenovation, the roof beams are exposed▼透过落地窗欣赏庭院景色,view of the courtyard through the Frenchwindow主楼 MainBuilding主楼是一栋砖木结构的洋房,米灰色水泥拉毛外墙配搭灰色水泥墙裙,突显上海租界洋房特质。外置式廊梯,把整栋楼分成上下两户,分梯入户,二楼除了主梯从客厅入户外,还有一架连接辅楼工人房的小楼梯,从厨房入户。我们现在的豪宅衡量标准中的“主仆动线分离”早在上世纪三十年代上海的旧式洋房和老公寓中就已经是标配设计了。建筑的室内因不同时期不同人的居住,曾被多次改建,它见证了历史的变迁。现如今层高低矮、门窗破败、漏水严重、墙皮脱落、地坪变形、卫生间设施陈旧简陋,无干湿分离。细木拼花地板的缝隙隙隐约透出的灯光可以看到一层邻居家的生活起居,甚至连讲话声都听得很清楚。The main building is a brick and timber building, theexterior wall of rice gray cement paintings withgrey cement wall skirt, high lighting thecharacteristics of Shanghai concession. The stairoutside separated the building into two properties.There is also another stair to the kitchen andlaundry room .The “master and servant walkwaysseparation” has been a standard since 1930s inShanghai.▼改造后的客厅,living space after renovation▼改造前的室内空间,interior space before renovation虽整个房子呈现的是非常简陋的出租房状态,但房子本身的气质还在,窗户四周被绿植包围,仿佛身处公园,二楼可以透过壁炉两边的窗子俯瞰整个院子,虽不能像一层和庭院的关系那么亲密,却提供了不一样的景观视野体验。多重坡顶拥有复杂丰富的屋脊线,再加上老虎窗,令室内吊顶结构颇显特殊。大面积过低的平顶和外立面屋顶的高度相差甚大,暗示着内部隐藏着巨大的挑高空间,拆除现有吊顶石膏板后,可见原有的坡屋顶气质和高度。Although the house is in the condition of a veryrough rental before renovation, but the temperamentof the house itself is still there. The windows aresurrounded by green plants, as if in a park. Thesecond floor can overlook the whole yard through thewindows on both sides of the fireplace.The multi-slope roof has a complex and rich ridgeline, and the tiger window makes the indoor ceilingstructure quite special. Large area of low flat roofand the height of the facade roof is very bigdifference, implying that the interior is hiddenwith a huge high-height space. After removing theexisting suspended roof gypsum board, the originalslope roof temperament and height can be seen.▼室内利用多重坡顶复杂的屋脊线创造出独特的空间氛围,utilize the complex andrich ridge line to create unique space atmosphere我们对屋内裸露的松木结构屋架上每一根木结构进行了详尽的测量,并精确构建电脑模型,还原现场情况。后续方案研究过程中,发现很多木条与主樑之间并无结构关联,辅樑间距没有统一标准,连接部位亦显杂乱。最终,我们保留坡屋顶空间形态,重新做了保温隔热层,使得内部的屋面形式与外部看起来表里如一。同时,我们保留最大规模的伞字樑穿插在空间内。We measured every single frame inside. And accuratelybuild model by computer to restore the scene. Afterstudy, it was found that there was no structuralcorrelation between the wooden bar and the mainbeam, that there was no uniform space between thesecondary beams, and that the connection positionlooks disordered. In the end, we retained thespatial form of the slope roof and re-built theinsulation layer to make the internal roof look thesame as the external one. At the same time, we keepthe largest “umbrella” beam interspersed in thespace.▼保留最大伞字梁穿插在空间内,keep the largest “umbrella” beaminterspersed in the space厨房隔墙被拆除后,当年整栋建筑供暖所使用的烟囱裸露出来,青砖结构的烟囱尽管已经失去原有的功能,但依然被完整保留,与现代的生活方式产生对话。After kitchen partition wall is torn down, thechimney that work for whole building was shown.Although the chimney of brick structure has lostoriginal function, but still be retained completely,produce dialogue with contemporary lifestyle.▼保留原本烟囱的青砖结构,与现代的生活方式产生对话,remain the brick structureof the original chimney, having dialogue with thecontemporary lifestyle起居室原有的壁炉烟道被重新修复使用,壁炉表面饰以复古哑光的绿色石材。地面进行了整体抬升,并以人字形重新铺设地板,抬升的地面和原地面之间形成的空腔内填隔音绵,降低噪音,楼上楼下互不干扰,充分保证了楼层间的私密性。The original chimney flue in the living room has beenrestored to use, and the fireplace surface isdecorated with a green marble with a retro mattefinish. The ground has been uplifted and theflooring is re-laid in a herringbone. The cavityformed between the uplifted ground and the originalground is filled with sound insulation, whichreduces noise and ensures the privacy of the floor.▼从书房看向起居室,view of the living space from the studyroom▼书房,study room主卧床的位置被重新安排,摆到南窗之下,两侧坡顶在南墙勾勒出工整的三角形线条,在木饰面的色彩强调和南窗绿意盎然的自然景色下,构成一面绿色的背景墙。The position of the master bed was rearranged andplaced under the south window. The sloping roofs ofboth sides drew a neat triangular line on the southwall, which formed a green background wall under thecolor emphasis of the wood veneer and the greennatural landscape of the south window.▼主卧,master’s bedroom卫生间格局往往是最重要的生活方式的体现,我们对卫生间进行了重新的布局,因原建筑多以木结构为主,卫生间地面是预制混凝土板,重新排列后的卫生间需要解决防水的问题,我们采用造船的构造方法,即把卫生间用钢板进行包裹使得原本上下的排水系统变为同层排水从根本上阻断与楼下邻居的干扰.改造后的两个卫生间干湿分离,分别配备了浴缸.浴缸的开窗均都朝向朝向户外的庭院景观。原本拆除后的门窗五金和把手在这里被重新利用,换下所有的木门窗,并根据德式建筑的特点重新定制了钢窗,配以古铜色天地插销,重现当年的经典样式。Bathroom is a reflection of the most important way oflife style, we rearranged to toilet layout. Afterthe rearrangement of toilet need to solve theproblem of waterproof, we use the method ofshipbuilding that using steel to enclose bathroomdown part. As the bathroom had been lifted, thedrainage system has been separated from neighbordownstairs. Each bathtub of two bathrooms locatedtowards garden landscape through windows.Theoriginal hardware and handle of window and doors arereused here. We customized the steel windowsaccording to the characteristics of Germanarchitecture, coupled with the bronze-colored bolt,to reappear the classic style.▼改造后的卫生间干湿分离,wet separated washroom after renovation▼屋顶平面图,roof plan▼轴测剖面图,axonometric section项目名称:上海高邮路庭院之家 面 积:室内161平米 庭院140平米设计周期:2个月 材料:水洗石、枪篱笆、橡木板、石材、钢板、涂料设计团队:继景设计工作室参与设计:范继景、柴润知、张齐、宋万洋、林利达软装搭配:李菊家具合作:宅匠 摄影师:苏圣亮Project Name: The homeof the courtyard,Gaoyou road ,Shanghai Area: interior 161 sqm, courtyard 140 sqm Design Period:2monthsMaterials: water washed stone, bamboo fence, oakwood, marble, steel, paintings Design Team: JinDesign Studio Project Designer: FanJijing, Chai Runzhi, Zhang Qi, Song Wanyang, LinLidaFurniture and Decoration: Li Ju Furniture Manufacture:Shanghai Zestman, Ltd Photograper:SuShengliangMore:继景室内设计事务所/JinDesignStudio。更多关于:JinDesignStudioon gooood
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Published on 2023/06/03
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