Henning Larsen Wins Competition for the Pujiang New Town Civic Center / Henning Larsen
Zero Carbon Paves the Way for a Vibrant Pujiang
Henning Larsen Wins Competition for the Pujiang New Town Civic Center / Henning Larsen
Henning Larsen

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由成都蒲江自规局和城建投资有限公司组织的国际竞赛,于11月30日顺利召开方案评审会,Henning Larsen有幸在五家单位(Zaha,GMP,MVRDV, 肃木丁,Henning Larsen)中脱颖而出,被选为优胜单位之一。

Afterconvening on 30 November 2021, the jury panel of the international competitionco-organized by Pujiang County Planning Bureau and Urban ConstructionInvestment Co., Ltd. has selected Henning Larsen as one of the the winningarchitects er out of the five finalist entries (Zaha Hadid Architects, gmp Architects, MVRDV, Swooding Architects, and Henning Larsen).


“Henning Larsen认为在中国双碳目标下,蒲江项目业主方能以碳中和天府森林公园城市为目标,强有力推动低碳可持续设计,是极富有远见的举措。因此,本设计以建立“全方位”的可持续性设计为目标。用十大可持续性策略来规划、设计达到节能减碳的目标。营造可以引领未来的“新空间”、“新美学”、“新感知”。同时,将源自北欧的设计与全新的可持续理念相结合,让零碳生活成为美满蒲江的时代样板!

WithChina’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality targets in place, Henning Larsenbelieves the Pujiang project owners’ goal of building a carbon neutral park isa visionary decision that promotes low carbon sustainable design. This projectaims to achieve a holistic sustainability design, using ten planning and designstrategies to meet energy saving and zero carbon goals. This pioneering projecthas defined a new spatial, aesthetic, and perception standards for futurearchitectural development. It seamlessly merges Northern European designsensibilities with sustainability concepts in China, while also making zerocarbon the hallmark of a vibrant Pujiang.

Henning Larsen 设计总监及本项目主创 Claude Godefroy先生说到:”蒲江国际会议中心将为蒲江县提供一个打造活力城市的绝佳机会。人们需要具有宜人尺度的公共空间、步行街、24/7热闹的街边生活,小吃店,工艺品店,以及不断更新的文化活动等。它是中国文化和蒲江文化的一部分,这座新城市的成功也取决于这些城市发展方向。”

HenningLarsen’s Design Director and Partner Claude Godefroy said, “The PujiangInternational Convention Centre is a unique opportunity to create a vibrantcity center for the county. Its residents need human-scale public spaces, whichincludes pedestrian zones, a lively 24/7 street life, food stalls, arts andcrafts shops, and an array of ever-changing cultural activities. It is part ofChinese culture and Pujiang culture, and the success of this new city dependson such urban initiatives.”


The PujiangInternational Conference Center sits on the main axis of the Pujiang New Townand has a distinctive circular design, symbolizing perfection and completion.As a circular structure, it saves more building materials than a squarestructure and its non-angular shape is more conducive to natural ventilation.With a sculptural form that also fittingly embodies zero carbon architecture,the conference center will surely become a model zero energy architecture inthe region.


Raising theusers’ awareness and perception of sustainability is also a key aim of thisdesign. The sloping roof of the conference center, which faces the GuangdingLake, is a unique platform that highlights zero carbon living. Here, citizenscan directly experience the benefits of various low carbon, environmentallyfriendly materials and sustainable technologies. The central courtyard is anecological park with elements of scientific education, where a waterpurification system and a diverse flora and fauna will be part of itsthree-dimensional landscape. By enveloping the structure with a waterscape, thesite and the Guangding Lake merge together to form a seamless visualexperience.


Next to theiconic conference center is a range of small- to medium-sized buildings,designed with the human scale in mind.Porous and pleasant streets reflect the congenial urban fabrics ofChengdu’s traditional linpan settlements and form ventilation corridors thateffectively alleviate the urban heat island effect.


With wellness being of paramount importance to us, meeting health andwellbeing standards will be pertinent for the next generation of greenbuildings. Thesouthside office block consists of eight low-rise courtyard buildings. They areconnected by a central pedestrian lobby that facilitates foot traffic andprovides an interactive shared space that encourages communication.


A holisticsustainable design should also be human-centric, which is why we hope to createa vibrant community space fitting for all occasions. While the conferencecenter serves as the core of this design, it is surrounded by architecturalfeatures that serve a diverse range of functionalities, instilling a vitalityfor the entire site. Located at the southeast corner, the civic center welcomescitizens with its iconic soft curves while offering 24-hour amenities that addmuch convenience to the community.


Byincorporating sustainability concepts early on in the architectural designprocess, we can achieve the maximum return with the minimal investment.Therefore, we have set design goals that achieve zero carbon emission and zerowater consumption, as well as raise sustainability awareness for the PujiangNew Urban Civic Center from the very beginning. A pleasant microclimate hasalso been created by running intelligent simulations that consider the climateconditions of the Pujiang region, which typically has hot summers and coldwinters.


Attaining sustainability is not merely based on tracking carbon emissionmeasurements, but also relies on a holistic, viable integrated design that hasa continuous and reliable operation. The foundation of this viable sustainable design does not rest onexpensive technical measures—fundamentally it is about the creation ofaffordable and efficient sustainable buildings. We hope to start a new chapterof sustainability for Pujiang through this project, paving the way for avibrant Pujiang through zero carbon living.

For further information contact

Jolin Zhu, China Business Development Director, Henning Larsen

T: +86 186 1630 0090, E:,


Client:Pujiang County Planning Bureau + Urban Construction Investment Co., Ltd.

Architects:Henning Larsen

PartnersResponsible: Claude Godefroy, Elva Tang

ProjectManager: Hannah Zhang

Team: JuanDiego Ramirez Leon, Adrian Fong, Zejun Li, Raina Lin, Raphael Chan, JaniceLeung, Thomas Hui, Beverly Chan

ChinaSustainability Consultant: JianXue Architectural and Engineering DesignInstitute Co Ltd

InternationalSustainability Consultant: Henning Larsen

LandscapeConsultant: RSD Singapore

Appreciations towards Henning Larsen for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/24
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